  • How many mL of Methylegonovine (Methergine) should the nurse draw up in the syringe to administer to Mari?
  • How many mL of oxytocin (Pitocin) should the nurse draw up in the syringe to inject into the 1000mL bag of normal saline?
  • Prior to discontinuing the IV oxytocin (Pitocin), which assessment is most important for the nurse to obtain?
  • What is the difference in Mari's intake and output?
D) 1 cm above the umbilicus.For the first 12 hours, the fundus should be 1 to 2 cm above the umbilicus.
  • The nurse performs the first assessment upon arrival to the postpartum unit. Where would the nurse expect to palpate the fundus?
  • The charge nurse, two staff nurses and an unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) rush in to assist the nurse with Mari. Which task is best delegated to the UAP during the crisis?
  • The nurse has requested assistance and personnel are on their way. While waiting for help to arrive, what is the next priority action?
  • The nurse is aware that Mari's condition is stabilizing. Which nursing intervention would be most appropriate at this time?
B) Allow Mari to rest during the blood transfusion and administer the PhoGam as prescribed at a later time.
  • Which task is best for the nurse to delegate to the UAP?
  • What is the best thing for Mari's nurse to do?
  • What is the best method for the nurse to use to obtain immediate assistance?
  • Based on this information, what is the correct nursing action?
B) Epidural anesthesia.Postdural puncture headache (PDPH) sometimes occurs after wpidural anesthesia.
  • Based on this information, what is the correct nursing action?
  • Considering Mari's history, what would be the most likely cause of Mari's headache?
  • Which finding is most indicative that the medication is reaching a therapeutic level?
  • What is the best method for the nurse to use to obtain immediate assistance?
C) Obtain and document Mari's V/S.
  • What is the best thing for Mari's nurse to do?
  • Based on this information, what is the correct nursing action?
  • Which task is best for the nurse to delegate to the UAP?
  • Which action is most important for the nurse to implement immediately?
A) Risk for injury.Causes temporary loss of voluntary movement and muscle strength in the lower extremities. Serious injury could be incurred if Mari attempts to get out of bed on her own because her legs will be unable to sustain her weight.
  • Postpartum hemorrhage is designated as blood los excess of 500 mL within the first 24 hours of delivery. Considering the client's history, what etiology is most likely?
  • Prior to administering the medications to Mari, which information should the nurse include about caffeine and sodium benzoate?
  • Which finding is most indicative that the medication is reaching a therapeutic level?
  • Mari has minimal sensation in her lower extremities, die to the effects of the epidural anesthesia. What is the priority nursing diagnosis for Mari, who is experiencing residual effects of epidural anesthesia?
C) Palpate Mari's bladder for fullness and catheterize if indicated.
  • The nurse is aware that Mari's condition is stabilizing. Which nursing intervention would be most appropriate at this time?
  • The nurse has requested assistance and personnel are on their way. While waiting for help to arrive, what is the next priority action?
  • The charge nurse, two staff nurses and an unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) rush in to assist the nurse with Mari. Which task is best delegated to the UAP during the crisis?
  • The nurse performs the first assessment upon arrival to the postpartum unit. Where would the nurse expect to palpate the fundus?
C) Provide a warm blanket and continue to monitor.The administration of a cold blood bommonly causes the client to feel cold but it does not constitute chills and fever, which are indicative of a febrile nonhemolytic reaction.
  • What intervention should the nurse implement to communicate the situation to Mari's husband?
  • What should the nurse do to prepare for Mari's blood transfusion? (Select all that apply).
  • What should the nurse do in response to these assessment findings?
  • What priority action should the nurse implement?
B) Start an additional IV using a 16 to 18 gauge angiocath.C) Prime a new Y-set tubing using a new bag of normal saline.E) Obtain a baseline set of vital signs.
  • What should the nurse do to prepare for Mari's blood transfusion? (Select all that apply).
  • What intervention should the nurse implement to communicate the situation to Mari's husband?
  • What should the nurse do in response to these assessment findings?
  • What priority action should the nurse implement?
B) Mari's nurse, who has already given the shift report and is preparing to clock out.Off-going nurse has first hand information about her symptoms, should be the one to communicate with the HCP.
  • Who is the best person to speak with Mari's HCP?
  • What priority action should the nurse implement?
  • What intervention should the nurse implement to communicate the situation to Mari's husband?
  • Considering Mari's history and acuity level, who is the best nurse to assign to Mari's care?
  • How many mL of Methylegonovine (Methergine) should the nurse draw up in the syringe to administer to Mari?
  • What is the best thing for Mari's nurse to do?
  • What is the difference in Mari's intake and output?
  • How many mL of oxytocin (Pitocin) should the nurse draw up in the syringe to inject into the 1000mL bag of normal saline?
  • How many mL of Methylegonovine (Methergine) should the nurse draw up in the syringe to administer to Mari?
  • How many mL of oxytocin (Pitocin) should the nurse draw up in the syringe to inject into the 1000mL bag of normal saline?
  • What is the priority nursing actions to address Mari's needs related to the repair of her 4th degree perineal laceration?
  • What is the difference in Mari's intake and output?
C) Activate the priority call light from the bedside.The priority call light signals to the entire nursing unit that a client is in crisis. All personnel available will respond to the distress signal.
  • What is the priority nursing actions to address Mari's needs related to the repair of her 4th degree perineal laceration?
  • Which action is most important for the nurse to implement immediately?
  • What is the best method for the nurse to use to obtain immediate assistance?
  • What is the best thing for Mari's nurse to do?
C) Apply perineal ice packs consistently for the first 24 to 48 hours.Cause local vasoconstriction, resulting in decreased swelling and tissue congestion, preventing a hematoma, as well as prmoting comfort. Application of ice packs is the priority nursing action for the first 24 to 48 hours, which is the period that the tissue is most vulnerable to swelling resulting from the trauma. A hematoma formation could contribute to hypovolemia and needs to be prevented.
  • Prior to administering the medications to Mari, which information should the nurse include about caffeine and sodium benzoate?
  • What is the best thing for Mari's nurse to do?
  • What is the priority nursing actions to address Mari's needs related to the repair of her 4th degree perineal laceration?
  • What is the best method for the nurse to use to obtain immediate assistance?
D) Explain Mari's history and request that the infant is fed with formula in the nursery.Condition is too unstable for her to fed her infant. Even though breastfeeding will stimulate uterine contractions, this is not as important as client stability.
  • What is the priority nursing actions to address Mari's needs related to the repair of her 4th degree perineal laceration?
  • What is the best thing for Mari's nurse to do?
  • Which action is most important for the nurse to implement immediately?
  • What is the best method for the nurse to use to obtain immediate assistance?
A) Massage the fundus.Since a boggy fundus is the ost likely reason for this client's hemorrhaging, massaging the fundus is the most important intervention. The nurse should also call for assistance die to the amount of blood that has pooled unde the client.
  • Which task is best for the nurse to delegate to the UAP?
  • What is the best method for the nurse to use to obtain immediate assistance?
  • Which finding is most indicative that the medication is reaching a therapeutic level?
  • Which action is most important for the nurse to implement immediately?
D) Obtain the vital signs and O2 saturation.Both are within the scope of practice for the UAP, and the nurse should interpret thses findings as indications of hypovolemia due to blood loss and should also be report the findings to the HCP.
  • The nurse performs the first assessment upon arrival to the postpartum unit. Where would the nurse expect to palpate the fundus?
  • The charge nurse, two staff nurses and an unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) rush in to assist the nurse with Mari. Which task is best delegated to the UAP during the crisis?
  • The nurse has requested assistance and personnel are on their way. While waiting for help to arrive, what is the next priority action?
  • The nurse is aware that Mari's condition is stabilizing. Which nursing intervention would be most appropriate at this time?
C) Assess for bladder distention.The client is 2 hours post-delivery with an IV infusion at 125 mL/hour, which can contribute to diuresis. A distended bladder impedes uterine contraction and contributes to excesive bleeding. After the fundus is massaged, the bladder should be checked for distention.
  • The nurse has requested assistance and personnel are on their way. While waiting for help to arrive, what is the next priority action?
  • The nurse performs the first assessment upon arrival to the postpartum unit. Where would the nurse expect to palpate the fundus?
  • The charge nurse, two staff nurses and an unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) rush in to assist the nurse with Mari. Which task is best delegated to the UAP during the crisis?
  • The nurse is aware that Mari's condition is stabilizing. Which nursing intervention would be most appropriate at this time?
D) Firm fundus.The desired therapeutic effect of oxytocin (Pitocin) is to cause potent and selective stimulation of uterine smooth muscle. A firm fundus indicates uterine contraction during the postpartum period, which is important to prevent further hemorrhage.
  • Prior to administering the medications to Mari, which information should the nurse include about caffeine and sodium benzoate?
  • Which finding is most indicative that the medication is reaching a therapeutic level?
  • What is the best method for the nurse to use to obtain immediate assistance?
  • Which action is most important for the nurse to implement immediately?
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