Which factors can affect a stock's price? Check all that apply.market performancethe company's financial healththe quantity products producedlocation of the companythe economy
  • corporate bondsmunicipal bondsTreasury billsTreasury notes
  • market performancethe company's financial healththe economy
  • Markets are where the trades actually occur.
  • hiring workersproducing goodsdistributing goodsbuying materials
Which are common types of bonds that are currently issued? Check all that apply.corporate bondsequity bondsmunicipal bondsTreasury billsTreasury noteswar bonds
  • market performancethe company's financial healththe economy
  • WRONG Bonds pay a specified amount at maturity.
  • hiring workersproducing goodsdistributing goodsbuying materials
  • corporate bondsmunicipal bondsTreasury billsTreasury notes
What is one way in which bonds do not generate income for investors?Bonds appreciate in value.Bonds pay interest.Bonds pay a specified amount at maturity.Bonds pay dividends.
  • market performancethe company's financial healththe economy
  • corporate bondsmunicipal bondsTreasury billsTreasury notes
  • WRONG Bonds pay a specified amount at maturity.
  • hiring workersproducing goodsdistributing goodsbuying materials
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