Which of the following BEST represents a plan for choosing a cardiofitness activity?
  • A.compare multiple aerobic activities, choose an activity suited for personal goals, follow exercise safety precautions
  • A.consult a medical professional, choose your exercises, start your program
  • B.warm-up, stretch, workout, stretch
  • C.Most exercise machines require less skill to use than free weights.
Joe and Pete are at the batting range and find out that Joe can hit the ball much farther than Pete. Based on this information, what might we conclude?
  • B. Joe would also beat Pete in an arm wrestling competition because Joe has more muscular strength.
  • A.compare multiple aerobic activities, choose an activity suited for personal goals, follow exercise safety precautions
  • C.It builds up a higher level of oxygen in the blood.
  • A.consult a medical professional, choose your exercises, start your program
Stiff muscles are characterized by __________.
  • D. the ratio of fat to other tissue in a body
  • B.warm-up, stretch, workout, stretch
  • D.all of the above
  • C.a limited range of motion
Why does the heart automatically adjust the flow of blood to match activity levels?
  • B.warm-up, stretch, workout, stretch
  • C.Most exercise machines require less skill to use than free weights.
  • C.It builds up a higher level of oxygen in the blood.
  • A.consult a medical professional, choose your exercises, start your program
The BEST reason to warm up before exercising is to __________.
  • C.It builds up a higher level of oxygen in the blood.
  • C.a limited range of motion
  • B.warm-up, stretch, workout, stretch
  • D.all of the above
Which of the following is NOT a common barrier to getting proper exercise?
  • experience
  • weekly acupuncture sessions
  • personality
  • environmental factor
Understanding the benefits of an activity can __________.
  • experience
  • environmental factor
  • weekly acupuncture sessions
  • Increase your motivation to continue doing it
A well chosen lifetime activity will be something that is hard for someone to get bored of.
  • F
  • weekly acupuncture sessions
  • environmental factor
  • T
Ryan has never been very competitive, and he prefers to go on leisurely backpacking trips. Which of the following factors is influencing his activity selection?
  • personality
  • environmental factor
  • experience
  • weekly acupuncture sessions
Locus of control suggests that people either believe they control their own lives or believe their destinies are controlled by others or chance.
  • F
  • personality
  • experience
  • T
The leading causes of death in the United States can be prevented or greatly reduced by maintaining proper fitness levels.
  • weekly acupuncture sessions
  • T
  • walking for 30 minutes around the neighborhood
  • F
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