It is the died pilot.
  • What do Sam and Eric tell the boys they have seen? What is it really?
  • What is Simon saying when he thinks the "beast" may be inside they boys themselves?
  • What causes the hunters, who had promised to keep the fire burning, to neglect it and allow it to go out?
  • What happened to the twins when the four boys went to get Piggy's glasses from Jack?
Ralph runs away from the tribe.
  • What happened when Ralph was demonstrating what he did to the Boar?
  • What does Ralph do when the tribe starts throwing spears at him?
  • What do the boys have that is symbols of authority in the society they form?
  • What do Ralph and Piggy realize at the beginning of chapter 10?
Jack left Ralph tribe. Jack is not playing this game anymore. This is serious and we need to survive. Jack left and started his own tribe. Ralph is doing a bad job.
  • What is Jacks suggestions to keep the beast happy?
  • As we continue reading, the setting of the story seems to be taking place more in the dark where there is little light. Why is this?
  • What does the reader learn about Jack when he slashed the green candle buds?
  • How does Jack manage to otherthrow Ralph's authority, even though that he is not able to get the boys to vote Ralph out as Chief?
The dead pig head on the stick and it is evil which represents the Lord of the Flies.
  • What represents the Lord of the Flies?
  • What does Jack say he will do if someone interferes with him?
  • What does a little 'um think he has seen in the forest?
  • Who are the hunters, and what is their job?
Very intelligent, Physically less than perfect fat boy, A reader and thinker rather than a boy of action, Fat boy, Glasses, Asthma
  • How did the boys happen to come to the island?
  • What us the "thing" that the boys see on the tope of the mountain?
  • Piggy
  • Maurice
It is hard for Jack to kill living things because he was showing his mercy. Jack did not kill the pig because he did not want to. But next time Jack will kill the pig and is going to show no mercy.
  • Tell about the encounter Simon had with the Lord of the Flies.
  • What causes the hunters, who had promised to keep the fire burning, to neglect it and allow it to go out?
  • How does Ralph's decreasing confidence in himself show in his words and actions?
  • Why does Jack hesitate when he lifts his knife to kill the piglet, and what does he promise will happen next time he meets a pig?
Name given to the numerous little children of the group
  • Sam & Eric
  • Simon
  • "The littluns"
  • Why do Ralph and Jack decide to go find the beast?
Jack's plan is to hunt down Ralph.
  • How does the author show us that Ralph is finally beginning to face the realities of their existence?
  • What do Ralph and Piggy realize at the beginning of chapter 10?
  • What are Jack's plans for Ralph?
  • What are the rules that the boys made for living on the island?
Ralph is dirty, have tangle hair and the clothes are getting rip and uncomfortable.
  • When Simon tries to tell the group of his findings, what happens?
  • What do the boys have that is symbols of authority in the society they form?
  • What does the reader learn about Jack when he slashed the green candle buds?
  • How does the author show us that Ralph is finally beginning to face the realities of their existence?
Simon is one of Ralph's most loyal and helpful workers. Yet, when he has some free time, he goes of by himself to find a place to be quiet and to think. Society, like the boys, distrusts those who are loners.
  • What does the reader learn about Jack when he slashed the green candle buds?
  • When Sam and Eric see Ralph, they warn him of something, what is it?
  • Ralph says of Simon, "He's queer. He's funny." What kind of a boy is Simon?
  • What do the boys have that is symbols of authority in the society they form?
He thinks he has seen a "Snake-thing" which he later calls "Bestie."
  • What does Ralph do when he sees something standing in the center of the clearing in the forest?
  • What does Jack say he will do if someone interferes with him?
  • What does a little 'um think he has seen in the forest?
  • Compare Ralph's treatment of the littluns with Jacks.
Ralph is nice and he calms the litteuns down. Jack scare the littleuns.
  • Who are the hunters, and what is their job?
  • Compare Ralph's treatment of the littluns with Jacks.
  • When the boar comes bounding along the path, how does Ralph react?
  • How does Ralph's decreasing confidence in himself show in his words and actions?
Jack tribe push a rock and mad the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments. Also the rock hit Piggy and made him fall for forty feet. He landed in the sea on his back on a square red rock. The rock made his head spilt open and then he dies.
  • What happened when Ralph was demonstrating what he did to the Boar?
  • What are the rules that the boys made for living on the island?
  • What happens to the conch and to Piggy?
  • What does Simon discover about the beast?
The boys make a fire to act as a signal for their reuse. They use Piggy's glasses as burning glass to start the fire with the sun's rays.
  • Where do the boys think Simon is? Where is he really?
  • Tell the ways that the tribe tries kill Ralph.
  • How did the boys happen to come to the island?
  • How and why do the boys make fire?
Jack's method of dealing with the world seems to be violent.
  • What does Ralph do when the tribe starts throwing spears at him?
  • What does the reader learn about Jack when he slashed the green candle buds?
  • What do the boys have that is symbols of authority in the society they form?
  • What us the "thing" that the boys see on the tope of the mountain?
Simon and the Beast went in the ocean because the tide went up.
  • What do the boys have that is symbols of authority in the society they form?
  • As the great wave moved farther along the island, and they water lifted, what happened to Simon and the Beast?
  • What does the reader learn about Jack when he slashed the green candle buds?
  • Why do Ralph and Jack decide to go find the beast?
Jack's paint his face with clay paint to camouflage himself and become an anonymous savage.
  • Why does Jack paint his face?
  • When the boar comes bounding along the path, how does Ralph react?
  • Why does Jack hesitate when he lifts his knife to kill the piglet, and what does he promise will happen next time he meets a pig?
  • What does a little 'um think he has seen in the forest?
Jack's plan is going to steal the fire from Ralph and his tribe.
  • What does Jack say he will do if someone interferes with him?
  • What happened to the twins when the four boys went to get Piggy's glasses from Jack?
  • Why does Jack paint his face?
  • When Jack and his tribe realize they don't have fire to cook the meat, what do they plan to do?
They felt that killing the pig (short term goal of eating) was more important than keeping the fire going as a signal (long term goal to be saved). Savages can not deal with long-term goals. They only live in the present, for instant gratification of their immediate needs.
  • What does Jack say he will do if someone interferes with him?
  • What does a little 'um think he has seen in the forest?
  • What causes the hunters, who had promised to keep the fire burning, to neglect it and allow it to go out?
  • What does Ralph do when he sees something standing in the center of the clearing in the forest?
Identical twin as if later known as Samneric, They were one
  • Sam & Eric
  • Simon
  • As the great wave moved farther along the island, and they water lifted, what happened to Simon and the Beast?
  • Maurice
The dark represent evil. They are having more problems and flights.
  • Where do the boys think Simon is? Where is he really?
  • What do Ralph and Piggy realize at the beginning of chapter 10?
  • What do the boys have that is symbols of authority in the society they form?
  • As we continue reading, the setting of the story seems to be taking place more in the dark where there is little light. Why is this?
Choir leader, "Ugly without silliness", Leader of the hunters
  • Jack
  • What does Jack say he will do if someone interferes with him?
  • Roger
  • Who are the hunters, and what is their job?
The old laws of church and school and family still hold him back.
  • What represents the Lord of the Flies?
  • After Maurice and Roger destroy the littleuns' sand castles, Roger stalks the young boy names Henry. When he begins to throw stones, why does he just throw them near him instead of directly at him?
  • What happened to the twins when the four boys went to get Piggy's glasses from Jack?
  • Who are the hunters, and what is their job?
The choir boys have become hunters. Their job is to get food.
  • How did the person who saved Ralph find him?
  • Compare Ralph's treatment of the littluns with Jacks.
  • What does a little 'um think he has seen in the forest?
  • Who are the hunters, and what is their job?
These school boys have been ejected from a flaming airplane. It appears no adults have survived the crash.
  • What us the "thing" that the boys see on the tope of the mountain?
  • How did the boys happen to come to the island?
  • What do the boys have that is symbols of authority in the society they form?
  • What is Jacks suggestions to keep the beast happy?
Jack has degenerated from a superficially civilized school boy to a near animal level. He learned to kill, yet he too is learning the vest difference between imagining himself a hunter and actually killing a living creature.
  • What does Jack say he will do if someone interferes with him?
  • How has Jack's personality developed during his stay on the island?
  • How does Ralph's decreasing confidence in himself show in his words and actions?
  • Tell about the encounter Simon had with the Lord of the Flies.
Handsome, Athletic, Natural leader, Fair boy, Chief of island,
  • Jack
  • Who are the hunters, and what is their job?
  • Ralph
  • Roger
Secretive, "Slight, furtive boy" who later shows a natural tendency towards cruelty, The dark boy
  • Roger
  • Why does Jack paint his face?
  • How did the person who saved Ralph find him?
  • What represents the Lord of the Flies?
Jack said that they will do their dance again which means that they are going to kill him.
  • What happened to the twins when the four boys went to get Piggy's glasses from Jack?
  • What does a little 'um think he has seen in the forest?
  • What does Jack say he will do if someone interferes with him?
  • What does Ralph do when he sees something standing in the center of the clearing in the forest?
The conch shell is the symbol of authority. It shows who is boss and who has the right to speak.
  • What do the boys have that is symbols of authority in the society they form?
  • Where do the boys think Simon is? Where is he really?
  • What does the reader learn about Jack when he slashed the green candle buds?
  • What us the "thing" that the boys see on the tope of the mountain?
After each kill Jack is going to gave some of the meat to the beast so the beast can be happy.
  • What is Jacks suggestions to keep the beast happy?
  • Why do Ralph and Jack decide to go find the beast?
  • Where do the boys think Simon is? Where is he really?
  • What do the boys have that is symbols of authority in the society they form?
Ralph reaction was that he throw his spear at him but the boar still come running after him.
  • What does Jack say he will do if someone interferes with him?
  • Why does Jack paint his face?
  • When the boar comes bounding along the path, how does Ralph react?
  • How does Ralph's decreasing confidence in himself show in his words and actions?
The boys did not have a well-thought-out plan. They used too much wood for a small, controllable fire, and they never thought of a way to control the fire to keep it from getting out of hand. Most of their available fire wood was burned up, making keeping the fire going much more difficult.
  • Where do the boys think Simon is? Where is he really?
  • What represents the Lord of the Flies?
  • How and why do the boys make fire?
  • Why does the boys' plan for rescue fail?
Poetic, Sensitive, Loner, Rather mysterious boy, The boy who fainted
  • Maurice
  • Piggy
  • Simon
  • Sam & Eric
Choir boy as big Jack, Always Smiling "Grinning all the time"
  • Simon
  • Maurice
  • Sam & Eric
  • "The littluns"
It is a boar because it saw it lifting his head. It was weird. They think it was not the cape or rock. It looks like a great ape.
  • What are the rules that the boys made for living on the island?
  • What does the reader learn about Jack when he slashed the green candle buds?
  • What us the "thing" that the boys see on the tope of the mountain?
  • When Sam and Eric see Ralph, they warn him of something, what is it?
Ralph confidence is decreasing because he said "I do not know" when people ask questions to him. Ralph bites his fingernails and play with hair.
  • Compare Ralph's treatment of the littluns with Jacks.
  • How does Ralph's decreasing confidence in himself show in his words and actions?
  • When the boar comes bounding along the path, how does Ralph react?
  • What does Ralph do when he sees something standing in the center of the clearing in the forest?
The Officer found them because he saw the fire.
  • What represents the Lord of the Flies?
  • What happened to the twins when the four boys went to get Piggy's glasses from Jack?
  • What does a little 'um think he has seen in the forest?
  • How did the person who saved Ralph find him?
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