when the environment changes, traits that were beneficial to an organism may become harmful and vice versa.
  • In what way does natural selection depend on the specific environment in which an organism lives?
  • Which of the following statements apply to the variation in human skin color?
  • Height in humans generally shows a normal (bell-shaped) distribution. What type of inheritance most likely determines height?
  • Which of the following statements accurately describes melanin's function?
indigenous peoples living at high latitudes have darker skin, but they eat foods rich in vitamin D
  • Human populations in low-UV environments tend to have more lightly pigmented skin. One explanation is that the selective pressure for dark skin decreases as UV intensity decreases. At the same time there is selection for lighter skin to absorb more UV radiation, which is needed for vitamin D production. What evidence supports the vitamin D hypothesis for the evolution of lighter skin tones?
  • In what way does natural selection depend on the specific environment in which an organism lives?
  • Which of the following statements accurately describes melanin's function?
  • Hydrangea plants of the same genotype are planted in a large flower garden. Some of the plants produce blue flowers and others pink flowers. This can be best explained by which of the following?
environmental factors such as soil PH
  • Human populations in low-UV environments tend to have more lightly pigmented skin. One explanation is that the selective pressure for dark skin decreases as UV intensity decreases. At the same time there is selection for lighter skin to absorb more UV radiation, which is needed for vitamin D production. What evidence supports the vitamin D hypothesis for the evolution of lighter skin tones?
  • Height in humans generally shows a normal (bell-shaped) distribution. What type of inheritance most likely determines height?
  • Darker skin is more prevalent in high-UV areas. Dr. Nina Jablonski proposed a hypothesis to explain the selective pressure for darker skin in these environments. On what evidence did she base this hypothesis?
  • Hydrangea plants of the same genotype are planted in a large flower garden. Some of the plants produce blue flowers and others pink flowers. This can be best explained by which of the following?
a combination of polygenic inheritance and environmental factors
  • In what way does natural selection depend on the specific environment in which an organism lives?
  • Height in humans generally shows a normal (bell-shaped) distribution. What type of inheritance most likely determines height?
  • Which of the following statements accurately describes melanin's function?
  • Hydrangea plants of the same genotype are planted in a large flower garden. Some of the plants produce blue flowers and others pink flowers. This can be best explained by which of the following?
skin pigmentation in humans
  • Which of the following is an example of polygenic inheritance?
  • In what way does natural selection depend on the specific environment in which an organism lives?
  • Which of the following statements accurately describes melanin's function?
  • Which of the following statements apply to the variation in human skin color?
children born to parents with dark skin living far from the equator
  • Height in humans generally shows a normal (bell-shaped) distribution. What type of inheritance most likely determines height?
  • Based on the risk factors discussed in the video, which of the following groups would be most likely to develop the bone disease rickets?
  • Which of the following statements accurately describes melanin's function?
  • Which of the following statements apply to the variation in human skin color?
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