1) Reactions that are both catabolic and anabolic are amphibolic.
  • A
  • neither anabolic nor catabolic.
  • anabolic.
  • B
12) A(n) __________ is a collection of pigments such as chlorophyll that are used to absorb light in the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis.
  • Answer: acids
  • Answer: allosteric
  • Answer: pyruvic
  • Answer: photosystem
8) The purpose of electron transport is to create a proton __________ across a membrane that can then be used to make ATP.
  • Answer: acceptor
  • Answer: gradient
  • Answer: acids
  • Answer: transaminases
9) Anaerobic respiration involves the use of molecules other than oxygen as the final electron __________ in an electron transport chain.
  • Answer: anoxygenic
  • Answer: acceptor
  • Answer: allosteric
  • Answer: stroma
10) Laboratory fermentation tests often include a pH indicator because many bacteria produce __________ as they ferment carbohydrates.
  • Answer: ADP
  • Answer: stroma
  • Answer: acids
  • decarboxylation
6) During chemiosmosis, electrons are pumped across a membrane to produce ATP.
  • A
  • Answer: stroma
  • B
  • production of ATP and NADPH
4) The __________ point of an enzyme is reached when all active sites have bound substrate molecules.
  • Answer: saturation
  • Answer: gradient
  • Answer: reduction
  • Answer: hydrogen
15) During electron transport in chloroplast thylakoids, protons are pumped outside the thylakoid into a space called the __________.
  • Answer: pyruvic
  • Answer: acceptor
  • Answer: gradient
  • Answer: stroma
11) The __________ generate amino acids from carbohydrate precursors and glutamic acid.
  • Answer: saturation
  • Answer: reduction
  • Answer: photosystem
  • Answer: transaminases
2) NAD+ and NADP+ are important examples of both coenzymes and electron carriers.
  • B
  • anabolic
  • RuBP
  • A
14) Enzymes increase the rate of reaction by lowering the __________ energy.
  • Answer: enzyme
  • Answer: activation
  • Answer: acceptor
  • Answer: anoxygenic
13) Waste products such as sulfur are produced by __________ photosynthetic bacteria as they obtain electrons for noncyclic photophosphorylation. `
  • Answer: allosteric
  • Answer: photosystem
  • Answer: anoxygenic
  • Answer: acceptor
2) Another term for an organic catalyst is a(n) __________.
  • energy-investment
  • Answer: acceptor
  • Answer: enzyme
  • gluconeogenesis.
7) Electrons are transferred in the Krebs cycle in the form of __________ atoms to NAD+ and FAD.
  • Answer: activation
  • Answer: stroma
  • Answer: acids
  • Answer: hydrogen
5) When a noncompetitive inhibitor molecule binds to a(n) __________ site on an enzyme, the shape of the active site changes so that the substrate molecules can no longer bind.
  • Answer: allosteric
  • Answer: pyruvic
  • Answer: acceptor
  • Answer: photosystem
1) ATP is produced by the phosphorylation of __________.
  • Answer: reduction
  • Answer: acids
  • Answer: ADP
  • Answer: enzyme
6) During glycolysis, glucose is converted to __________ acid, a molecule that can be used in either fermentation or respiration pathways.
  • Answer: stroma
  • Answer: pyruvic
  • Answer: reduction
  • Answer: acceptor
9) Essential amino acids are amino acids that cannot be synthesized by an organism and so must be provided as nutrients.
  • Answer: hydrogen
  • B
  • A
  • amphibolic.
3) Environmental changes can result in the inactivation of enzymes.
  • B
  • catabolic
  • anabolic
  • A
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