The US government gave land to the railroads to help them expand. What impact did these land grants have on industries in the West?
  • by making it possible for natural resources to be transported to different cities and towns
  • Railroads tried to become more versatile.Americans began to measure time using time zones.Rail travel became safer.
  • railroads made resources and products easier to transport.
  • The grants allowed industries in the West to grow because they encouraged settlement and new industrial opportunities.
Which is an invention that improved safety for railway passengers?
  • air brakes
  • the refrigerator car
  • railroads made resources and products easier to transport.
  • Companies replaced hand-operated brakes with air brakes on trains.
Think about what you've learned about the role of railroads in helping make resources available.
  • Railroads helped Americans access new sources of raw materials.New cities grew into manufacturing centers that refined natural resources.Trains required more materials to run and to be built, helping industries grow.
  • The railroad industry
  • air brakes
  • steel
How did railroad expansion make natural resources more available in the United States?
  • by making it possible for natural resources to be transported to different cities and towns
  • Companies replaced hand-operated brakes with air brakes on trains.
  • The grants allowed industries in the West to grow because they encouraged settlement and new industrial opportunities.
  • railroads made resources and products easier to transport.
Which invention was most important in revolutionizing the meat industry?
  • Companies replaced hand-operated brakes with air brakes on trains.
  • a growth in the steel industry.
  • railroads made resources and products easier to transport.
  • the refrigerator car
Think about how railroads changed and developed.
  • Railroads tried to become more versatile.Americans began to measure time using time zones.Rail travel became safer.
  • Trains from different rail lines could use each other's tracks.
  • railroads made resources and products easier to transport.
  • Companies replaced hand-operated brakes with air brakes on trains.
What was a result of creating rail standardization?
  • Railroads tried to become more versatile.Americans began to measure time using time zones.Rail travel became safer.
  • Companies replaced hand-operated brakes with air brakes on trains.
  • Trains from different rail lines could use each other's tracks.
  • railroads made resources and products easier to transport.
During the Second Industrial Revolution, which building material became one of the most important in the world?
  • steel
  • Railroads helped Americans access new sources of raw materials.New cities grew into manufacturing centers that refined natural resources.Trains required more materials to run and to be built, helping industries grow.
  • air brakes
  • The railroad industry
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