An increase in the spreading rate at a mid-ocean ridge will cause a decrease in sea level.
  • True
  • False
Why does the beach in the video look the way that it does during wintertime?
  • Large waves move sand offshore onto longshore sand bars and create a rocky beach.
  • Place two jetties on either side of the harbor mouth, and build a breakwater upcurrent from the harbor mouth.
  • Higher beach infiltration ratesA beach dominated by swashLight wave activity (small waves)
  • Winter waves are short and high, whereas summer waves are long and shallower.
A spit is a coastal feature of sand deposited in the direction of the longshore drift from shore toward deeper water into the mouth of a bay.
  • True
  • False
What is the most obvious difference between summertime and wintertime beaches?
  • during summertime there is much more sand on the beach
  • Sediment generally changes from sand to mud to limestone
  • Mantle under the glacier is pushed aside by sinking crust. This mantle pushes up the crust on either side of the glacier.
  • water forced by waves to move along the shore
Why does the beach shown in the video look the way that it does during summertime?
  • Small waves move sand up the beach face and create a wide, sandy beach.
  • The wintertime beach would look similar to the summertime beach.
  • Large waves move sand offshore onto longshore sand bars and create a rocky beach.
  • Winter waves are short and high, whereas summer waves are long and shallower.
Large deposits of sediment at the mouths of rivers
  • rip currents
  • deltas
  • the beach
  • parallel to shore
If one were to walk from the ocean landward across a barrier island complex, in which order would one encounter the following environments?
  • lead to erosion of sediment on their seaward sides
  • beach, dune, barrier flat, high marsh, low marsh
  • Small waves move sand up the beach face and create a wide, sandy beach.
  • Sediment generally changes from sand to mud to limestone
What causes wave refraction?
  • is related to whatever material is locally available
  • are narrower than summer beaches due to high-energy waves during the winter
  • A stack forms when a sea arch collapses, leaving a vertical column of rock offshore.
  • The part of a wave in shallow water slows down, causing the wave to bend and line up nearly parallel to the shore.
True statements about global sea level
  • Sea level has risen about 120 meters (400 feet) in the past 18,000 years.When seawater cools, it contracts and occupies less volume, so global sea level is lowered.Sea level is affected by the amount of ice in polar ice caps on land.When seawater warms, it thermally expands and occupies more volume, so global sea level rises.
  • Low rates of erosionHigh sediment loadHigh rates of depositionSmall wave energyA large-volume river
  • Beach replenishment is also known as beach nourishment.Beach nourishment involves dumping sand on the beach to replace lost sand.Beach replenishment is expensive because of the huge volume of sand that is necessary to replenish a beach.
  • The area of a beach above the shoreline is often called the recreational beach.The berm is located in the backshore area.The berm is affected by storm waves but is typically dry and relatively flat.Most of the beach face is exposed during the lowest tides and covered during the highest tides.The beach face is the wet, sloping surface in the foreshore area.
Along U.S. coasts, a drop in sea level can be noted at __________.
  • foreshore
  • Northern Maine
  • northern Atlantic coast
  • barrier flat
Seawalls are quite effective at controlling beach erosion.
  • True
  • False
The Gulf coast of the United States is an example of a coast where tectonic subsidence occurs.
  • True
  • False
A friend is considering purchasing a vacation home on a barrier island. Given what you've learned about the impact of waves on coastal landforms, what information and advice could you offer your friend?
  • The area of a beach above the shoreline is often called the recreational beach.The berm is located in the backshore area.The berm is affected by storm waves but is typically dry and relatively flat.Most of the beach face is exposed during the lowest tides and covered during the highest tides.The beach face is the wet, sloping surface in the foreshore area.
  • northern Atlantic coast
  • Barrier islands tend to experience a good deal of sand erosion and deposition, and mitigating these effects is extremely difficult. Your friend would be wise to reconsider & A home on a barrier island is likely to take the full brunt of storm waves, making it a risky proposition. Your friend should think twice before purchasing.
  • rivers.local biological activity.coastal erosion.
barrier island
  • the bending of waves
  • depositional shore
  • marine terraces
  • found between dunes and high marsh
The correct order of beach features as you move from the coast toward offshore is
  • to protect coastal property from wave erosion &to stop beach sand erosion
  • Sediment generally changes from sand to mud to limestone
  • berm, beach face, longshore trough, longshore bar
  • during summertime there is much more sand on the beach
For how long will land rebound after a glacier melts?
  • The tide cycle causes erosion to occur at different elevations along a sea coast.
  • the bending of waves
  • Northern Maine
  • thousands of years
Eroded material is carried along coastlines from high wave-energy areas to
  • low wave-energy areas
  • breakwaters, jetties & groins
  • northern Atlantic coast
  • Move sediment parallel to the shoreline
In general, what do beaches look like in the end of winter?
  • The rate of subsidence is controlled by the rate at which mantle can flow.
  • Beaches tend to have a narrow berm and a prominent longshore bar.
  • beach, dune, barrier flat, high marsh, low marsh
  • lead to erosion of sediment on their seaward sides
which result in the accumulation of sand on the berm, thereby making the berm wider?
  • Winter waves are short and high, whereas summer waves are long and shallower.
  • breakwaters, jetties & groins
  • Higher beach infiltration ratesA beach dominated by swashLight wave activity (small waves)
  • Mantle under the glacier is pushed aside by sinking crust. This mantle pushes up the crust on either side of the glacier.
Wave refraction is __________.
  • the beach
  • water forced by waves to move along the shore
  • the bending of waves
  • marine terraces
In terms of erosion protection from wave action, seawalls:
  • during summertime there is much more sand on the beach
  • increased glacial melting due to the global warming.
  • Move sediment parallel to the shoreline
  • lead to erosion of sediment on their seaward sides
Southern California beaches would have more sand if __________.
  • increased glacial melting due to the global warming.
  • during summertime there is much more sand on the beach
  • Sediment generally changes from sand to mud to limestone
  • dams were removed from streams flowing to the coast
Which rock types would you expect to see deposited if sea level rises and then falls?
  • Sediment generally changes from sand to mud to limestone
  • sand covered by mud covered by sand
  • water forced by waves to move along the shore
  • Move sediment parallel to the shoreline
A summer recreational beach typically has more sediment on it than a winter recreational beach.
  • True
  • False
Which feature of barrier islands provides evidence for a rise in sea level?
  • A peat outcrop
  • A few weeks
  • rip currents
  • breakwaters, jetties & groins
How would you expect sediment to change as you walk from shore into the ocean?
  • lead to erosion of sediment on their seaward sides
  • by inhibiting the deposition of sand in the harbor mouth
  • The rate of subsidence is controlled by the rate at which mantle can flow.
  • Sediment generally changes from sand to mud to limestone
Most of the year, and most of the time, the movement of sediment and water (longshore current) along the California coast is from
  • A peat outcrop
  • North to South
  • barrier flat
  • Northern Maine
The particle size on a beach
  • Small waves move sand up the beach face and create a wide, sandy beach.
  • rivers.local biological activity.coastal erosion.
  • is related to whatever material is locally available
  • A stack forms when a sea arch collapses, leaving a vertical column of rock offshore.
True statements about coastal regions and landforms
  • The area of a beach above the shoreline is often called the recreational beach.The berm is located in the backshore area.The berm is affected by storm waves but is typically dry and relatively flat.Most of the beach face is exposed during the lowest tides and covered during the highest tides.The beach face is the wet, sloping surface in the foreshore area.
  • increased glacial melting due to the global warming.
  • Winter waves are short and high, whereas summer waves are long and shallower.
  • Beach replenishment is also known as beach nourishment.Beach nourishment involves dumping sand on the beach to replace lost sand.Beach replenishment is expensive because of the huge volume of sand that is necessary to replenish a beach.
Winter beaches
  • found between dunes and high marsh
  • flows parallel to shore within surf zone
  • are narrower than summer beaches due to high-energy waves during the winter
  • the rising and sinking of Earth's crust relative to the mantle in response to the redistribution of mass on the surface
Why does the crust subside slightly on either side of a melting glacier?
  • Mantle under the glacier is pushed aside by sinking crust. This mantle pushes up the crust on either side of the glacier.
  • Place two jetties on either side of the harbor mouth, and build a breakwater upcurrent from the harbor mouth.
  • The tide cycle causes erosion to occur at different elevations along a sea coast.
  • Crust under the glacier rises as the ice melts. This allows mantle on either side of the glacier to move to areas under the glacier.
Which rock types would you expect to be deposited on top of limestone if sea level rises and then falls?
  • limestone followed by mud
  • at an angle to shore
  • northern Atlantic coast
  • sand covered by mud covered by sand
Eustatic changes in sea level might include:
  • increased glacial melting due to the global warming.
  • Rock type changes vertically.
  • Move sediment parallel to the shoreline
  • dams were removed from streams flowing to the coast
Alternatives to hard stabilization to protect coastlines from erosion include construction restrictions, relocation of structures, and construction of seawalls
  • True
  • False
True characteristics or features, which is/are associated with erosional shores?
  • A coastline with lots of rugged headlands,Rocky coasts,Wave-cut benches and marine terraces, Tectonic activity
  • Crust under the glacier rises as the ice melts. This allows mantle on either side of the glacier to move to areas under the glacier.
  • The rate of subsidence is controlled by the rate at which mantle can flow.
  • Higher beach infiltration ratesA beach dominated by swashLight wave activity (small waves)
Why does the crust uplift slightly on either side of a growing glacier?
  • Large waves move sand offshore onto longshore sand bars and create a rocky beach.
  • Mantle under the glacier is pushed aside by sinking crust. This mantle pushes up the crust on either side of the glacier.
  • heavy winter wave activity moves the sand out to the longshore bar and uncovers the rocks underneath the sand
  • water forced by waves to move along the shore
Sediment is supplied to the coastal zone by:
  • rapid seafloor spreading at divergent plate boundaries
  • rivers.local biological activity.coastal erosion.
  • dams were removed from streams flowing to the coast
  • Winter waves are short and high, whereas summer waves are long and shallower.
The velocity of the longshore current will be higher when wave heights are higher.
  • True
  • False
Southern California beaches in winter typically are narrow and rocky. That is because __________
  • Place two jetties on either side of the harbor mouth, and build a breakwater upcurrent from the harbor mouth.
  • heavy winter wave activity moves the sand out to the longshore bar and uncovers the rocks underneath the sand
  • dams were removed from streams flowing to the coast
  • The wintertime beach would look similar to the summertime beach.
rip current
  • flows parallel to shore within surf zone
  • breakwaters, jetties & groins
  • moves water from swash zone out to sea
  • found between dunes and high marsh
The coastal area by surf is referred to as
  • barrier flat
  • foreshore
  • the beach
  • A few weeks
Beach joggers prefer to run on the _________
  • beachface
  • A peat outcrop
  • thousands of years
  • marine terraces
The section of the coast that is exposed at low tide and submerged at high tide is called the
  • the beach
  • True
  • foreshore
  • rip currents
Geologic evidence suggests that eustatic (global) sea level rises have been caused by __________.
  • The rate of subsidence is controlled by the rate at which mantle can flow.
  • The wintertime beach would look similar to the summertime beach.
  • mud followed by limestone
  • rapid seafloor spreading at divergent plate boundaries
longshore current
  • flows parallel to shore within surf zone
  • moves water from swash zone out to sea
  • found between dunes and high marsh
  • are narrower than summer beaches due to high-energy waves during the winter
true statements about beach replenishments
  • The area of a beach above the shoreline is often called the recreational beach.The berm is located in the backshore area.The berm is affected by storm waves but is typically dry and relatively flat.Most of the beach face is exposed during the lowest tides and covered during the highest tides.The beach face is the wet, sloping surface in the foreshore area.
  • Beach replenishment is also known as beach nourishment.Beach nourishment involves dumping sand on the beach to replace lost sand.Beach replenishment is expensive because of the huge volume of sand that is necessary to replenish a beach.
  • the beach
  • beachface
Why does glacial subsidence NOT occur at the exact moment that a glacier forms?
  • Crust under the glacier rises as the ice melts. This allows mantle on either side of the glacier to move to areas under the glacier.
  • The rate of subsidence is controlled by the rate at which mantle can flow.
  • Small waves move sand up the beach face and create a wide, sandy beach.
  • Mantle under the glacier is pushed aside by sinking crust. This mantle pushes up the crust on either side of the glacier.
How are changes in sea level recorded in rock?
  • relocate the structure
  • breakwaters, jetties & groins
  • increased glacial melting due to the global warming.
  • Rock type changes vertically.
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