The author suggests that The Great Wave is a symbol of Japan as it entered into international trade.
  • Which is the best summary of this excerpt?
  • Which is the best summary of this excerpt?"So our tea set is really a three-piece social history of nineteenth-century Britain."
  • What is the author's viewpoint in this excerpt?
  • What factors affect an author's viewpoint? Check all that apply
NOT The tea set has always been an important part of British life.
  • What is the purpose of the outside source used in this excerpt?"In the early nineteenth century Japan had been effectively closed off from the world for 200 years..."
  • Which is the best summary of this excerpt?"So our tea set is really a three-piece social history of nineteenth-century Britain."
  • What is the author's viewpoint in this excerpt?"So The Great Wave, far from being the quintessence of Japan, is a hybrid work, a fusion of European materials and conventions with a Japanese sensibility."
  • What is the author's viewpoint in this excerpt?
The author's knowledgeThe author's opinionThe author's worldviewThe author's experience
  • Which line is a direct quotation from an external source?
  • What factors affect an author's viewpoint? Check all that apply
  • What is the author's viewpoint in this excerpt?
  • Which line would be best to include in a summary of "Early Victorian Tea Set"?
"The Japanese have a word for insular which is literally the mental state of the people living on islands: shimaguni konjo."
  • What is the author's viewpoint in this excerpt?
  • What factors affect an author's viewpoint? Check all that apply
  • Which line is a direct quotation from an external source?
  • Which line would be best to include in a summary of "Early Victorian Tea Set"?
Academic languageAn objective, formal toneA variety of sentence types
  • What factors affect an author's viewpoint? Check all that apply
  • What is the author's viewpoint in this excerpt?
  • What must students use when summarizing an informational text? Check all that apply.
  • Which line would be best to include in a summary of "Early Victorian Tea Set"?
It illustrates the popularity of tea in Britain during the 1800s.
  • What is the purpose of the outside source used in this excerpt?"In the early nineteenth century Japan had been effectively closed off from the world for 200 years..."
  • Which line is a direct quotation from an external source?
  • How does Geijer's comment support MacGregor's point?
  • What is the author's viewpoint in this excerpt?
Outside publication
  • What must students use when summarizing an informational text? Check all that apply.
  • What type of outside source does MacGregor use in this excerpt?
  • What type of outside source does MacGregor use in this excerpt?"In the early nineteenth century Japan had been effectively closed off from the world for 200 years..."
  • A source is a(n) _________ an author can use to research and develop ideas in an informational text.
Musical lyrics
  • What is the purpose of the outside source used in this excerpt?"In the early nineteenth century Japan had been effectively closed off from the world for 200 years..."
  • What type of outside source does MacGregor use in this excerpt?
  • A source is a(n) _________ an author can use to research and develop ideas in an informational text.
  • What type of outside source does MacGregor use in this excerpt?"In the early nineteenth century Japan had been effectively closed off from the world for 200 years..."
A historical letter
  • What type of outside source does MacGregor use in this excerpt?"In the early nineteenth century Japan had been effectively closed off from the world for 200 years..."
  • What type of outside source does MacGregor use in this excerpt?
  • What factors affect an author's viewpoint? Check all that apply
  • What must students use when summarizing an informational text? Check all that apply.
The Great Wave represents feelings of ambivalence in Japanese culture.
  • What is the author's viewpoint in this excerpt?"So The Great Wave, far from being the quintessence of Japan, is a hybrid work, a fusion of European materials and conventions with a Japanese sensibility."
  • Which is the best summary of this excerpt?"So our tea set is really a three-piece social history of nineteenth-century Britain."
  • What is the author's viewpoint in this excerpt?
  • What is the purpose of the outside source used in this excerpt?"In the early nineteenth century Japan had been effectively closed off from the world for 200 years..."
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