Which of the following illustrates the diathesis-stress model?
  • Ozzie is genetically predisposed toward depression but did not have depression until his parents died.
  • Gemma exhibits deficits in social interaction by not initiating conversations with other children, and she turns her head away when spoken to.
  • Genetic and neurological factors
  • it involves intrusive, unpleasant thoughts and repetitive behaviors.
Jack typically wears bland, neutral clothes to avoid drawing attention to himself. Which of the following does this illustrate?A
  • obsessive-compulsive
  • Safety behavior
  • can perform miracles
  • psychotic
Which of the following statements about autism spectrum disorder is false?
  • Autism spectrum disorder is characterized by communications and social
  • Ozzie is genetically predisposed toward depression but did not have depression until his parents died.
  • it involves intrusive, unpleasant thoughts and repetitive behaviors.
  • Autism spectrum disorder
What should be changed to make the following sentence true? "For centuries, psychological disorders were viewed from a natural perspective: attributed to a force beyond scientific understanding."
  • Safety behavior
  • Possessing excessive, persistent fear
  • it involves intrusive, unpleasant thoughts and repetitive behaviors.
  • change the word natural to word supernatural
Which of the following is the current classification system used by most mental health professionals in the United States?
  • DSM-5
  • Possessing excessive, persistent fear
  • it involves intrusive, unpleasant thoughts and repetitive behaviors.
  • Gemma exhibits deficits in social interaction by not initiating conversations with other children, and she turns her head away when spoken to.
Schizophrenia is considered a(n) ________ disorder.
  • Genetic and neurological factors
  • psychotic
  • can perform miracles
  • Safety behavior
Piper is diagnosed with agoraphobia because she experiences intense fear and anxiety of ________.
  • being outside the home alone.
  • Possessing excessive, persistent fear
  • Genetic and neurological factors
  • it involves intrusive, unpleasant thoughts and repetitive behaviors.
Which of the following statements is true about obsessive-compulsive disorder?
  • Ozzie is genetically predisposed toward depression but did not have depression until his parents died.
  • it involves intrusive, unpleasant thoughts and repetitive behaviors.
  • Gemma exhibits deficits in social interaction by not initiating conversations with other children, and she turns her head away when spoken to.
  • Possessing excessive, persistent fear
Which of the following is the most likely cause of ADHD?
  • Possessing excessive, persistent fear
  • Genetic and neurological factors
  • it involves intrusive, unpleasant thoughts and repetitive behaviors.
  • Ozzie is genetically predisposed toward depression but did not have depression until his parents died.
Comorbidity is defined as ________.
  • Genetic and neurological factors
  • being outside the home alone.
  • the co-occurrence of two disorders
  • Possessing excessive, persistent fear
People with ________ disorders experience thoughts and urges that are intrusive and unwanted and/or the need to engage in repetitive behaviors or mental acts.
  • Safety behavior
  • can perform miracles
  • obsessive-compulsive
  • Possessing excessive, persistent fear
Which childhood disorder is characterized by deficits in social interaction and communication and repetitive patterns of behavior or interests?
  • obsessive-compulsive
  • change the word natural to word supernatural
  • Autism spectrum disorder is characterized by communications and social
  • Autism spectrum disorder
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