Self-efficacy refers to the experience of one's ownA) fixations.B) superego.C)-competence.D) self-serving bias.
  • personality.
  • competence.
  • superego.
  • Carl Rogers
Freud's theory of personality has been criticized because itA) underestimates the importance of biological contributions to personalitydevelopment.B) is contradicted by recent research demonstrating the human capacity for destructivebehavior.C) is overly reliant upon observations derived from Freud's use of projective tests.D)·offers few testable hypotheses that allow one to determine its validity.
  • rationalization.
  • retreating to a more infantile psychosexual stage.
  • .projection.
  • offers few testable hypotheses that allow one to determine its validity.
According to Freud, the unconscious isA) the part of personality that cannot process information.B} the thoughts, wishes, feelings, and memories, of which we are largely unaware.C) a set of universal concepts acquired by all humans from our common past.D) a reservoir of deeply repressed memories that does not affect behavior
  • boys' feelings of guilt and fear of punishment over their sexual desire for their mother.
  • the thoughts, wishes, feelings, and memories, of which we are largely unaware.
  • superego.
  • the Barnum effect.
Sheryl is very outgoing and fun-loving. She prefers to be around other people most ofthe time. She most clearly ranks high on the Big Five trait dimension known asA) openness.B) collectivism. C)- extraversion.D) conscientiousness.
  • situations.
  • self-esteem.
  • extraversion
  • Carl Rogers
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