According to your textbook, outlining is important to public speaking because an outline helps you judge whether
  • before the text of the outline itself
  • key words or phrases to jog the speaker's memory; cues for delivering the speech; statistics and quotations that might be easily forgotten
  • help the speaker maintain eye contact with the audience
  • your main points are properly balanced; you have adequate supporting materials for your main points
The main points in a preparation outline are
  • positioned farthest to the left
  • identified by Roman numerals
  • contains delivery cues for the speaker
  • identified by capital letters
Outlining is an important part of public speaking because
  • contains delivery cues for the speaker
  • an outline helps ensure that ideas flow clearly from one to another
  • is used to jog a speaker's memory during the speech
  • judge whether each part of the speech is fully developed; ensure that ideas flow clearly from one to another; solidify the structure of a speech
"Adventures in the Grand Canyon" is an appropriately worded
  • relevant to the speech
  • speech title
  • written in full sentences
  • use a consistent pattern of symbolization and indentation
In a preparation outline, main points should be
  • contains delivery cues for the speaker
  • attract the audience's attention
  • positioned farthest to the left
  • identified by Roman numerals
According to your textbook, the specific purpose statement in a preparation outline should appear
  • labeled as a separate part of the speech
  • transitions; the central idea; a bibliography
  • help the speaker maintain eye contact with the audience
  • before the text of the outline itself
A speech title should
  • an outline helps ensure that ideas flow clearly from one to another
  • follow the visual framework of the preparation outline; make sure the outline is plainly legible; keep the outline as brief as possible
  • attract the attention of the audience; be brief; suggest the main thrust of the speech
  • included in the preparation outline; labeled as a transition, internal summary, etc
According to your textbook, which of the following should be included in a speaking outline
  • key words or phrases to jog the speaker's memory; cues for delivering the speech; statistics and quotations that might be easily forgotten
  • a bibliography; a specific purpose statement
  • your main points are properly balanced; you have adequate supporting materials for your main points
  • included in the preparation outline; labeled as a transition, internal summary, etc
All of the following are necessary in a preparation outline except
  • Label the introduction, body, and conclusion
  • labeled as a separate part of the speech
  • preparation outline and the speaking outline
  • directions for delivering the speech
In a speaking outline, subpoints are
  • contains delivery cues for the speaker
  • positioned farthest to the left
  • identified by capital letters
  • identified by Roman numerals
Alexus has completed her final preparation outline and is preparing her speaking outline for her speech on macrobiotic foods. According to your textbook, as Alexus prepares her speaking outline, she should remember to
  • make sure the outline is plainly legible; keep the outline as brief as possible
  • your main points are properly balanced; you have adequate supporting materials for your main points
  • included in the preparation outline; labeled as a transition, internal summary, etc
  • attract the attention of the audience; be brief; suggest the main thrust of the speech
As explained in your textbook, subpoints in a preparation outline should be
  • positioned farthest to the left
  • located farthest to the left
  • written in full sentences
  • highlighting of key phrases; words such as "pause"
According to your textbook, the main reason to keep a speaking outline brief is to
  • help the speaker maintain eye contact with the audience
  • before the text of the outline itself
  • labeled as a separate part of the speech
  • included in the preparation outline; labeled as a transition, internal summary, etc
According to your textbook, a speech title should
  • contains delivery cues for the speaker
  • attract the audience's attention
  • directions for delivering the speech
  • includes the quotations a speaker plans to use
According to your textbook, as Bekah prepares her preparation outline for her speech on spiders, she should remember to include all of the following except
  • before the text of the outline itself
  • transitions; the central idea; a bibliography
  • directions for delivering the speech
  • labeled as a separate part of the speech
Which of the following is mentioned in your textbook as a guideline for a preparation outline
  • Label the introduction, body, and conclusion
  • before the text of the outline itself
  • help the speaker maintain eye contact with the audience
  • There are two major types of leadership
According to your textbook, when making a preparation outline, you should
  • key words or phrases to jog the speaker's memory; cues for delivering the speech; statistics and quotations that might be easily forgotten
  • Phobias can develop either in childhood or adulthood
  • labeled as a separate part of the speech
  • label transitions and internal summaries; state the specific purpose as a separate unit before the outline itself
A catchy speech title is fine as long as it is
  • contains delivery cues for the speaker
  • located farthest to the left
  • speech title
  • relevant to the speech
According to your textbook, a speaking outline usually
  • attract the audience's attention
  • labeled as a separate part of the speech
  • is used to jog a speaker's memory during the speech
  • includes the quotations a speaker plans to use
Ryo is working on the preparation outline for his informative speech. According to your textbook, his outline should
  • state main points and subpoints in full sentences
  • label transitions and internal summaries; state the specific purpose as a separate unit before the outline itself
  • Phobias can develop either in childhood or adulthood
  • Smallpox poses a real danger to the United States
"What's Your Learning Style?" is an appropriately worded
  • speech title
  • relevant to the speech
  • written in full sentences
  • attract the audience's attention
According to your textbook, a speaking outline
  • includes the quotations a speaker plans to use
  • labeled as a separate part of the speech
  • contains delivery cues for the speaker
  • is used to jog a speaker's memory during the speech
When preparing a speaking outline, you should
  • positioned farthest to the left
  • use a consistent pattern of symbolization and indentation
  • follow the visual framework of the preparation outline; make sure the outline is plainly legible; keep the outline as brief as possible
  • include cues for delivering the speech; write out quotations he plans to use in the speech; follow the visual framework of the preparation outline
As discussed in your textbook, delivery cues on a speaking outline may include
  • help the speaker maintain eye contact with the audience
  • Label the introduction, body, and conclusion
  • preparation outline and the speaking outline
  • highlighting of key phrases; words such as "pause"
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