PERT analysis computes the variance of the total project completion time as:
  • The sum of the variances of all activities on the critical path.
  • Planning, scheduling, and controlling
  • Only critical activities contribute to the project variances.
  • are used when two activities have identical starting and ending events.
An activity on a PERT network has these time estimates: optimistic =2, most likely = 3, and pessimisticIts expected time and variance (if it is a critical activity) are:
  • Slack time
  • 3.67 and 1
  • 19 days
  • Early Start
An activity has an optimistic time of 15 days, a most likely time of 18 days, and a pessimistic time of 27 days. What is the expected time?
  • 3.67 and 1
  • 19 days
  • Early Start
  • Slack time
With respect to PERT and CPM, slack__________
  • Crashing shortens the project duration by assigning more resources to one or more of the critical tasks.
  • Gantt charts are visual devices that show the duration of activities in a project.
  • is the amount of time a task may be delayed without changing the overall project completion time.
  • because near-critical paths could become critical paths with small delays in these activities
The Beta distribution is used in project management to
  • longest time path through the network
  • No activity in the network must be repeated.
  • calculate expected activity times
  • Planning, scheduling, and controlling
The three phases involved in the management of large projects are:
  • longest time path through the network
  • Planning, scheduling, and controlling
  • calculate expected activity times
  • Crashing shortens the project duration by assigning more resources to one or more of the critical tasks.
__________ is the amount of time an individual activity in a network can be delayed without delaying the entire project.
  • 3.67 and 1
  • 19 days
  • Slack time
  • Early Start
An activity has an optimistic time of 11 days, a most likely time of 15 days, and a pessimistic time of 23 days. What is its variance?
  • 5.33
  • 4
  • 1.22
  • 2.33
In a PERT network, non-critical activities that have little slack need to be monitored closely__________
  • because near-critical paths could become critical paths with small delays in these activities
  • is the amount of time a task may be delayed without changing the overall project completion time.
  • Gantt charts are visual devices that show the duration of activities in a project.
  • Crashing shortens the project duration by assigning more resources to one or more of the critical tasks.
The EF of an activity is the:
  • No activity in the network must be repeated.
  • Early Start
  • ES + Activity Time
  • longest time path through the network
A project's critical path is composed of activities A (variance .33), B (variance .67), C (variance .33), and D (variance .17). What is the standard deviation on the critical path?
  • 2.33
  • 4
  • 1.22
  • 5.33
Dummy activities__________
  • The sum of the variances of all activities on the critical path.
  • is the amount of time a task may be delayed without changing the overall project completion time.
  • are used when two activities have identical starting and ending events.
  • because near-critical paths could become critical paths with small delays in these activities
Which of the following statements regarding PERT analysis is true?
  • Only critical activities contribute to the project variances.
  • Early Start
  • Gantt charts are visual devices that show the duration of activities in a project.
  • No activity in the network must be repeated.
A simple CPM network has five activities, A, B, C, D, and E. A is an immediate predecessor of C and of D. B is also an immediate predecessor of C and of D. C and D are both immediate predecessors of E. Given the above scenario, how many networks are in this path?
  • Planning, scheduling, and controlling
  • There are four paths in the network.
  • Work Breakdown Structure
  • calculate expected activity times
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