Discuss the difference between short-term and long-term fitness goals. Provide an example of each. (Site 1)
  • It is important to create measurable goals so that you can measure your progress to determine your success. If your goal is too general to be measured, you have no way of knowing that you have reached your goal.Responses will vary. A sample response follows:It is important to create measurable goals in order to determine the point at which the goal has been achieved. Also, a measurable goal can help improve motivation by allowing an individual to effectively track progress toward meeting the goal. This step-by-step tracking can also help an individual create a more efficient plan to achieve a goal, thereby increasing the likelihood that it will be achieved.
  • To create an effective list of tasks to accomplish a goal, you should start by brainstorming options and ideas, but not review or judge them until you have finished. Then, go through your ideas and determine which tasks are necessary to achieve the goal, which ones are attainable, and which ones you should do first. These tasks will often be your short term goals that lead to a long term goal.Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Tasks are activities that must be done on a daily or recurring basis in order to accomplish a goal. An individual who wishes to accomplish a goal must determine what tasks must be completed in order to reach the goal. An effective list of tasks will include the necessary steps an individual should take to reach the desired goal. For example, a student wishing to obtain a driver's license might set tasks for practicing driving, taking practice written tests for the driving exam, and reviewing the driving laws.
  • The difference between short-term and long-term goals is that short term goals are things you can get done easily in a finite amount of time or by a set time in the future, and they often lead up to long term goals. An example would be that a player aims to improve their road running time over three kilometres by five seconds each week. A long term goal takes effort to attain, as it is made up of many different short term goals, and it may have a more indefinite or longer time. An example would be that a player increases the distance to ten kilometers by the end of the season.
  • The individual will become discouraged and stop working toward the goal.
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