When people in a society form social bonds and relate to each other on a daily basis, the society is said to exhibit:
  • innovator
  • social cohesion
  • mechanical
  • strengthens society by exercising mechanisms that preserve cohesion.
Why is the United States best described as having a mix of mechanical and organic sanctions?
  • The United States applies mechanical sanctions in some contexts and organic sanctions in other contexts.
  • focused on the criminal's individual circumstances.
  • collective conscience
  • SI takes a micro or close-up look at individuals; functionalism looks at macro-level social systems.
An elementary school isn't a total institution because:
  • students leave every afternoon and adopt different roles at that time.
  • focused on the criminal's individual circumstances.
  • It is hard to lose that label.
  • is necessary for a society's survival.
labeling theory focuses on:
  • The United States applies mechanical sanctions in some contexts and organic sanctions in other contexts.
  • the social process through which people become deviants.
  • focused on the criminal's individual circumstances.
  • students leave every afternoon and adopt different roles at that time.
Jennifer goes out at night with a spray can and writes on a stop sign. She successfully vandalizes for the first time. Labeling theorists would call this ________ deviance.
  • informal
  • ritualist
  • formal
  • primary
If a label is said to be "sticky" when referring to deviance, it means that:
  • It is hard to lose that label.
  • focused on the criminal's individual circumstances.
  • collective conscience
  • is necessary for a society's survival.
The functionalist perspective argues that deviance:
  • It is hard to lose that label.
  • is necessary for a society's survival.
  • students leave every afternoon and adopt different roles at that time.
  • focused on the criminal's individual circumstances.
Shelly shoplifted once. Her peers on social media have labeled her "shoplifting Shelly," and this label follows her everywhere online and at school. She feels hopeless and shoplifts regularly now to alleviate her anxiety and because it is what everyone expects her to do anyway. Labeling theory would interpret her ongoing shoplifting as:
  • ritualist
  • collective conscience
  • secondary deviance.
  • is necessary for a society's survival.
Social deviance is a breach of ________; crime is a breach of ________.
  • informal
  • formal
  • norms; law
  • It is hard to lose that label.
The common faith or set of social norms by which a society and its members abide is defined by Émile Durkheim as:
  • It is hard to lose that label.
  • collective conscience
  • secondary deviance.
  • is necessary for a society's survival.
A society characterized by a high degree of sameness among the individual participants, in which participants perform largely the same functions, has ________ solidarity.
  • innovator
  • mechanical
  • strengthens society by exercising mechanisms that preserve cohesion.
  • social cohesion
A person who desires a big mansion and the perfect "American dream" lifestyle, but sells illegal drugs to achieve this, is known by Robert Merton as a(n):
  • labeling
  • innovator
  • mechanical
  • aggressive policing in inner-city neighborhoods actually decreases juvenile crime.
A crime such as burglary is also known as which type of deviance?
  • formal
  • primary
  • informal
  • ritualist
Picking your nose in public is an example of which type of deviance?
  • formal
  • informal
  • ritualist
  • primary
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