Answer: all of the above. -maintain eye contact with the audience. -use your voice expressively. -avoid distracting mannerisms.
  • Your textbook recommends that when you deliver your first speech, you should make an effort to
  • According to your textbook, when you prepare speaking notes for your first speech, you should
  • Which of the following does your textbook recommend that you do when rehearsing your first speech?
  • Which of the following does your textbook recommend for developing your first classroom speech?
  • For her first speech, Rebekah plans to explain her interest in dance beginning with her childhood and continuing through her days in high school. Which pattern of organization discussed in your textbook will she use in her speech?
  • A sentence or two that lets the audience know that a speaker has finished one thought and is moving on to another is called a
  • Your textbook recommends that when you deliver your first speech, you should make an effort to
  • When you use the __________ method of delivery, you become so familiar with the substance of your speech that you need only a few brief notes to jog your memory.
Answer: all of the above.-double-space or triple-space your notes so they are easy to see. -write down key terms and phrases rather than complete sentences-write or print on only one side of the index cards or paper.
  • Which of the following does your textbook recommend for developing your first classroom speech?
  • According to your textbook, when you prepare speaking notes for your first speech, you should
  • Which of the following does your textbook recommend that you do when rehearsing your first speech?
  • Your textbook recommends that when you deliver your first speech, you should make an effort to
Ask family members or friends for feedback.
  • False
  • Which of the following does your textbook recommend for developing your first classroom speech?
  • According to your textbook, the first thing a speaker needs to do in the introduction of a speech is to
  • Which of the following does your textbook recommend that you do when rehearsing your first speech?
Answer: all of the above-Rehearse the speech out loud.-Prepare notes consisting of key words and phrases.-Practice giving the speech to friends or family members.
  • Which of the following does your textbook recommend that you do when rehearsing your first speech?
  • Your textbook recommends that when you deliver your first speech, you should make an effort to
  • Which of the following does your textbook recommend for developing your first classroom speech?
  • According to your textbook, when you prepare speaking notes for your first speech, you should
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