Consider the two questions shown below.​(a) What is the most important problem facing the nation? ​(b) Would you be willing to pay for social media services if your user data was your personal property that the media company could not sell? Will the order in which the questions are asked affect the survey​ results? If​ so, what can the pollster do to alleviate this response​ bias?Choose the correct answer below.
  • Sampling​ bias: Using an incorrect frame led to undercoverage. Nonresponse​ bias: The low response rate caused bias.
  • A.Sampling biasB. Ask customers throughout the day on both weekdays and weekends
  • Match-pairs designDifference in test scoresMusic History course
  • D. No, there is no obvious reason that question order would affect the survey results in this scenario.
Researchers wish to know if there is a link between hypertension​ (high blood​ pressure) and consumption of salt. Past studies have indicated that the consumption of fruits offsets the negative impact of salt consumption. It is also known that there is quite a bit of​ person-to-person variability as far as the ability of the body to process and eliminate salt. ​However, no method exists for identifying individuals who have a higher ability to process salt. It is recommended that daily intake of salt should not exceed 2300 milligrams​ (mg). The researchers want to keep the design​ simple, so they choose to conduct their study using a completely randomized design. Complete parts​ (a) through​ (ca. What is the response variable in the​ study?b. Name three factors that have been identified. Select all that apply.c. For each factor​ identified, determine whether the variable can be controlled or cannot be controlled.If a factor cannot be​ controlled, what should be done to reduce variability in the response​ variable?
  • A.Sampling biasB. Ask customers throughout the day on both weekdays and weekends
  • a. blood pressureb. body's ability to process salt, daily intake of salt, consumption of fruitc. Blood pressure is not a factor. Daily consumption of salt can be controlled. Daily consumption of fruits can be controlled. Body's ability to process salt cannot be controlled. Age is not a factor. Gender is not a factor. Experimental units should be randomized to each treatment group.
  • a. The scores on the achievement tests of both group 1 and group 2b. The response variable is quantitative because it is a measurementc. Method of teachingd. The treatments are the new teaching method and the traditional teaching method. There are 2 treatments.e. Random assignmentsf. Group 2 serves as the control group because this group corresponds to the standard method that will be compared to the other methodg. Completely randomized designh. The 100 studentsI. fig A random assignment - group A - New - Compare
  • A possible advantage of offering rewards or incentives to increase response rates is that respondents put more effort into completely and accurately answering the survey questions because they feel obligatedA possible disadvantage of offering rewards or incentives to increase response rates is that the people interested in the rewards or incentives differ from the population in some way that is important to the​ study, causing biased results.
Define the following term: treatment
  • Any combination of the values of the factors (explanatory variables)
  • The effect of two factors (explanatory variables) on the response variable cannot be distinguished.
  • A quantative or qualitative variable that represents the variable of interest.
  • An innocuous medication, such as a sugar tablet, that looks, tastes and smells, like the experimental medication.
Define the following term: factor
  • (a) d. Nonresponse bias(b) A. The polling organization should try contacting households that do not respond by phone or​ face-to-face.
  • The variable whose effect on the response variable is to be assessed by the experimenter
  • a. Completely randomized designb. Adults older than 50 years and in good healthc.The score on the standardized test of learning and memoryd. the herbe. 40 mg 3 times a day or a matching placebof. The 92 men and 133 women older than 50who are in good health that participated in the studyg. The placebo group
  • A person, object, or some other well defined item upon which a treatment is applied.
The owner of a shopping mall wishes to expand the number of shops available in the food court. He has a market researcher survey the first 120 customers who come into the food court during weekend afternoons to determine what types of food the shoppers would like to see added to the food court. Complete parts​ (a) and​ (b) below.​(a) The survey has bias. Determine whether the flaw is due to the sampling method or the survey itself. For biased​ surveys, identify the cause of the error.What is the cause of the​ bias? A. Nonresponse B. Sampling bias C. Response biasWhich of the following is the best way to remedy this​ problem? A. Reword the question so that it is balanced. B. Ask customers throughout the day on both weekdays and weekends. C. Increase the sample size so that more people respond to the question
  • Match-pairs designDifference in test scoresMusic History course
  • A.Sampling biasB. Ask customers throughout the day on both weekdays and weekends
  • (a) Response bias(b) The interviewer should reword the question
  • Sampling​ bias: Using an incorrect frame led to undercoverage. Nonresponse​ bias: The low response rate caused bias.
Explain the difference between a​ single-blind and a​ double-blind experiment.
  • In a​ single-blind experiment, the subject does not know which treatment is received. In a​ double-blind experiment, neither the subject nor the researcher in contact with the subject knows which treatment is received.
  • A part of the population is​ under-represented when it is proportionally smaller in a sample than in its population.Your answer is correct.
  • Nonsampling error is the error that results from​ undercoverage, nonresponse​ bias, response​ bias, or​ data-entry errors. Sampling error is the error that results because a sample is being used to estimate information about a population.
  • Closed questions are easier to​ analyze, but limit the responses. Open questions allow respondents to state exactly how they​ feel, but are harder to analyze due to the variety of answers and possible misinterpretation of answers.Your answer is correct.
Discuss a possible advantage of offering rewards or incentives to increase response rates. Are there any​ disadvantages?Discuss a possible advantage. Determine if there are any disadvantages.
  • A possible advantage of offering rewards or incentives to increase response rates is that respondents put more effort into completely and accurately answering the survey questions because they feel obligatedA possible disadvantage of offering rewards or incentives to increase response rates is that the people interested in the rewards or incentives differ from the population in some way that is important to the​ study, causing biased results.
  • Closed questions are easier to​ analyze, but limit the responses. Open questions allow respondents to state exactly how they​ feel, but are harder to analyze due to the variety of answers and possible misinterpretation of answers.Your answer is correct.
  • a. The scores on the achievement tests of both group 1 and group 2b. The response variable is quantitative because it is a measurementc. Method of teachingd. The treatments are the new teaching method and the traditional teaching method. There are 2 treatments.e. Random assignmentsf. Group 2 serves as the control group because this group corresponds to the standard method that will be compared to the other methodg. Completely randomized designh. The 100 studentsI. fig A random assignment - group A - New - Compare
  • a. blood pressureb. body's ability to process salt, daily intake of salt, consumption of fruitc. Blood pressure is not a factor. Daily consumption of salt can be controlled. Daily consumption of fruits can be controlled. Body's ability to process salt cannot be controlled. Age is not a factor. Gender is not a factor. Experimental units should be randomized to each treatment group.
Determine whether the following statement is true or false.​Generally, the goal of an experiment is to determine the effect that the treatment will have on the response variable.
  • True
  • False
Researchers wanted to evaluate whether a certain herb improved memory in elderly adults as measured by objective tests. To do​ this, they recruited 92 men and 133 women older than 50 years and in good health. Participants were randomly assigned to receive the​ herb, 40 mg 3 times a​ day, or a matching placebo. A measure of memory improvement was determined by a standardized test of learning and memory. After 6 weeks of​ treatment, the data indicated that the herb did not increase performance on standard tests of​ learning, memory,​ attention, and concentration. These data suggest​ that, when taken following the​ manufacturer's instructions, the herb provides no measurable increase in memory or related cognitive function to adults older than 5050 years with healthy cognitive function. Complete parts​ (a) through​ (g) below
  • a. blood pressureb. body's ability to process salt, daily intake of salt, consumption of fruitc. Blood pressure is not a factor. Daily consumption of salt can be controlled. Daily consumption of fruits can be controlled. Body's ability to process salt cannot be controlled. Age is not a factor. Gender is not a factor. Experimental units should be randomized to each treatment group.
  • a. completely randomb. The recorded observationc. The factor is the type of pain reliefpain relief. The treatments are medicationmedication and using pressure pointsusing pressure points.d. the migraine suffererse. Eliminate bias as to which pain reliefpain relief was used firstf. assign groups & treatment
  • a. The scores on the achievement tests of both group 1 and group 2b. The response variable is quantitative because it is a measurementc. Method of teachingd. The treatments are the new teaching method and the traditional teaching method. There are 2 treatments.e. Random assignmentsf. Group 2 serves as the control group because this group corresponds to the standard method that will be compared to the other methodg. Completely randomized designh. The 100 studentsI. fig A random assignment - group A - New - Compare
  • a. Completely randomized designb. Adults older than 50 years and in good healthc.The score on the standardized test of learning and memoryd. the herbe. 40 mg 3 times a day or a matching placebof. The 92 men and 133 women older than 50who are in good health that participated in the studyg. The placebo group
A school psychologist wants to test the effectiveness of a new method of teaching English. She recruits 100 second​-grade students and randomly divides them into two groups. Group 1 is taught by means of the new​ method, while group 2 is taught by traditional methods. The same teacher is assigned to teach both groups. At the end of the​ year, an achievement test is administered and the results of the two groups are compared. (a) What is the response variable in this​ experiment? (b) Is the response variable qualitative or​ quantitative? (c) Which of the following explanatory variables is​ manipulated? ​(d) What are the​ treatments? How many treatments are​ there? (e) How are the factors that are not controlled dealt​ with? ​(f) Which group serves as the control​ group? (g) What type of experimental design is​ this? ​(h) Identify the subjects. ​(i) Draw a diagram to illustrate the design.
  • A possible advantage of offering rewards or incentives to increase response rates is that respondents put more effort into completely and accurately answering the survey questions because they feel obligatedA possible disadvantage of offering rewards or incentives to increase response rates is that the people interested in the rewards or incentives differ from the population in some way that is important to the​ study, causing biased results.
  • a. The scores on the achievement tests of both group 1 and group 2b. The response variable is quantitative because it is a measurementc. Method of teachingd. The treatments are the new teaching method and the traditional teaching method. There are 2 treatments.e. Random assignmentsf. Group 2 serves as the control group because this group corresponds to the standard method that will be compared to the other methodg. Completely randomized designh. The 100 studentsI. fig A random assignment - group A - New - Compare
  • (a) Response bias(b) The interviewer should reword the question
  • a. blood pressureb. body's ability to process salt, daily intake of salt, consumption of fruitc. Blood pressure is not a factor. Daily consumption of salt can be controlled. Daily consumption of fruits can be controlled. Body's ability to process salt cannot be controlled. Age is not a factor. Gender is not a factor. Experimental units should be randomized to each treatment group.
A polling organization conducts a study to estimate the percentage of households that have more than one computer. It mails a questionnaire to 1313 randomly selected households across the country and asks the head of each household if he or she has more than one computer. Of the 1313 households​ selected, 28 responded.​(a) Which of these best describes the bias in the​ survey?a. Undercoverage biasb. Response biasc. Sampling biasd. Nonresponse bias(b) How can the bias be​ remedied?A. The polling organization should try contacting households that do not respond by phone or​ face-to-face.B. The polling organization should mail the questionnaire to a greater number of households.C. The polling organization should mail the questionnaire to each person in the households.D. The polling organization should only select households in a single state.
  • a. completely randomb. The recorded observationc. The factor is the type of pain reliefpain relief. The treatments are medicationmedication and using pressure pointsusing pressure points.d. the migraine suffererse. Eliminate bias as to which pain reliefpain relief was used firstf. assign groups & treatment
  • The variable whose effect on the response variable is to be assessed by the experimenter
  • A person, object, or some other well defined item upon which a treatment is applied.
  • (a) d. Nonresponse bias(b) A. The polling organization should try contacting households that do not respond by phone or​ face-to-face.
Define the following term: placebo
  • An innocuous medication, such as a sugar tablet, that looks, tastes and smells, like the experimental medication.
  • Any combination of the values of the factors (explanatory variables)
  • The effect of two factors (explanatory variables) on the response variable cannot be distinguished.
  • A quantative or qualitative variable that represents the variable of interest.
A physician wanted to compare two types of headache relief. One type is medication and the other is using pressure points. It is a common belief that medication relieves pain faster. This belief is tested by having 10 migraine sufferers compare both types of pain relief and record their observations on a standardized scale of response. A coin flip was used to determine which type of headache relief each individual would try first. Results indicated that there was no difference in the two types of pain relief. Complete parts​ (a) through​ (f) below(a) What type of experimental design is​ this?(b) What is the response variable?(c) What is the factor that is set to predetermined​ levels? What is the​ treatment? Identify the experimental units. Choose the correct answer belowWhy is a coin used to decide the headache relief each individual would try firstheadache relief each individual would try first​?Select picture:
  • a. The scores on the achievement tests of both group 1 and group 2b. The response variable is quantitative because it is a measurementc. Method of teachingd. The treatments are the new teaching method and the traditional teaching method. There are 2 treatments.e. Random assignmentsf. Group 2 serves as the control group because this group corresponds to the standard method that will be compared to the other methodg. Completely randomized designh. The 100 studentsI. fig A random assignment - group A - New - Compare
  • a. blood pressureb. body's ability to process salt, daily intake of salt, consumption of fruitc. Blood pressure is not a factor. Daily consumption of salt can be controlled. Daily consumption of fruits can be controlled. Body's ability to process salt cannot be controlled. Age is not a factor. Gender is not a factor. Experimental units should be randomized to each treatment group.
  • a. Completely randomized designb. Adults older than 50 years and in good healthc.The score on the standardized test of learning and memoryd. the herbe. 40 mg 3 times a day or a matching placebof. The 92 men and 133 women older than 50who are in good health that participated in the studyg. The placebo group
  • a. completely randomb. The recorded observationc. The factor is the type of pain reliefpain relief. The treatments are medicationmedication and using pressure pointsusing pressure points.d. the migraine suffererse. Eliminate bias as to which pain reliefpain relief was used firstf. assign groups & treatment
Suppose that a magazine predicted that Candidate A would defeat Candidate B in a certain election. They conducted a poll of its subscribers with a response rate of 23​%. On the basis of the​ results, the magazine predicted that Candidate A would win with​ 57% of the popular vote.​ However, Candidate B won the election with about​ 62% of the popular vote. At the time of this​ poll, most subscribers to the magazine belonged to the party of Candidate A. Name two biases that led to this incorrect prediction. A. Sampling​ bias: Using an incorrect frame led to undercoverage. Nonresponse​ bias: The low response rate caused bias. B. Nonresponse​ bias: The low response rate caused bias. Response​ bias: The way the poll was administered showed bias. C. Sampling​ bias: Using an incorrect frame led to undercoverage. Response​ bias: The way the poll was administered showed bias.
  • D. No, there is no obvious reason that question order would affect the survey results in this scenario.
  • A.Sampling biasB. Ask customers throughout the day on both weekdays and weekends
  • The company is using callbacks.
  • Sampling​ bias: Using an incorrect frame led to undercoverage. Nonresponse​ bias: The low response rate caused bias.
What are the advantages of having a presurvey with open questions to assist in constructing a questionnaire that has closed​ questions?
  • Replication is applying each treatment to more than one experimental unit.
  • The researcher can learn common answers.
  • A part of the population is​ under-represented when it is proportionally smaller in a sample than in its population.Your answer is correct.
  • The company is using callbacks.
Define the following term: confounding
  • Any combination of the values of the factors (explanatory variables)
  • The effect of two factors (explanatory variables) on the response variable cannot be distinguished.
  • An innocuous medication, such as a sugar tablet, that looks, tastes and smells, like the experimental medication.
  • A quantative or qualitative variable that represents the variable of interest.
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