The F distribution is:
  • This test is very resistant to departures from normal distributions.
  • One requirement of this method is that npgreater than5 and nqgreater than5.
  • One of the populations is normally distributed.
  • Skewed Right
a. If s Subscript 1 Superscript 2 represents the larger of two sample​ variances, can the F test statistic ever be less than​ 1?
  • One of the populations is normally distributed.
  • NO
  • B
  • The variance of the differences between two independent random variables equals the variance of the first random variable minus the variance of the second random variable.
b. Can the F test statistic ever be a negative​ number?
  • Small values of F are evidence against sigma Subscript 1 Superscript 2 Baseline equals sigma Subscript 2 Superscript 2.
  • ​​No, because sample variances cannot be​ negative, and the result of dividing the squares of two nonnegative numbers is never negative.
  • The​ P-value method and the classical method are not equivalent to the confidence interval method in that they may yield different results.
  • The​ P-value separates the critical region from the values that do not lead to rejection of the null hypothesis.
The​ _________ of a hypothesis test is the probability ​(1 - beta​) of rejecting a false null hypothesis.
  • Skewed Right
  • NO
  • The​ P-value separates the critical region from the values that do not lead to rejection of the null hypothesis.
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