If I was a farmer trying to grow plants in a greenhouse it would be important for me to know what the limiting factor of the plant is, I would save a lot of money. This is because I would know which parts of the greenhouse are the only parts necessary to get the results I want. By knowing what the limiting factor is, a farmer can be more efficient in knowing which plants produce and how to produce plants with a higher rate of photosynthesis with less exhaust of material and time.
  • Were you able to increase oxygen production? (Return the slider to 24°C when finished.)
  • Were you able to increase oxygen production? (Return the slider to 50% when finished.)
  • Suppose you were a farmer trying to grow plants in a greenhouse. Why would it be important to know what the limiting factor is?
  • Were you able to increase oxygen production? (Return the slider to 200 ppm when finished.)
Red-orange and blue-violet
  • Which colors were absorbed best by the plant?
  • Which colors were absorbed the worst?
  • Which color of light do you think will maximize the rate of photosynthesis?
  • How does CO2 level affect oxygen production?
  • How does temperature affect oxygen production?
  • To survive, what gas do we need to breathe in?
  • Which colors were absorbed best by the plant?
  • How does CO2 level affect oxygen production?
I think that the color blue will maximize the rate of photosynthesis because I found it to be most effective at increasing the production of oxygen.
  • Which color of light do you think will maximize the rate of photosynthesis?
  • Why would it be hard to find the ideal CO2 level if the light intensity were very low?
  • Why would it be hard to find the ideal light intensity if the temperature were very hot or cold?
  • Were you able to increase oxygen production? (Return the slider to 50% when finished.)
No, I was not able to increase oxygen production because with a higher CO2 level the production increased.
  • Were you able to increase oxygen production? (Return the slider to 24°C when finished.)
  • Were you able to increase oxygen production? (Return the slider to 50% when finished.)
  • Why would it be hard to find the ideal CO2 level if the light intensity were very low?
  • Were you able to increase oxygen production? (Return the slider to 200 ppm when finished.)
In my opinion, the bubbles are the oxygen that the plant is giving off.
  • How does the color of light affect the rate of photosynthesis?
  • How does oxygen production relate to the rate of photosynthesis?
  • Observe the left pane closely. What do you think the bubbles are?
  • Were you able to increase oxygen production? (Return the slider to 24°C when finished.)
A greater flow of oxygen corresponds to a higher rate of photosynthesis.
  • How does CO2 level affect oxygen production?
  • How does oxygen production relate to the rate of photosynthesis?
  • How does the color of light affect the rate of photosynthesis?
  • How does temperature affect oxygen production?
Green, yellow, violet, and red.
  • Where is this gas produced?
  • Which colors were absorbed best by the plant?
  • Which colors were absorbed the worst?
  • Which color of light do you think will maximize the rate of photosynthesis?
The highest light intensity and CO2 level will maximize the rate of photosynthesis.
  • When we look at a leaf, we see the colors of light that are reflected off its surface. How does this explain the relatively low flow of oxygen in green light?
  • In the Gizmo, what light intensity and CO2 level do you think will maximize the rate of photosynthesis?
  • Why would it be hard to find the ideal CO2 level if the light intensity were very low?
  • On the graph, notice the Oxygen production bar. Move the Light intensity slider back and forth. How does light intensity affect oxygen production?
The gas is produced from plants in photosynthesis.
  • Were you able to increase oxygen production? (Return the slider to 24°C when finished.)
  • Where is this gas produced?
  • Which colors were absorbed the worst?
  • When we look at a leaf, we see the colors of light that are reflected off its surface. How does this explain the relatively low flow of oxygen in green light?
Temperatures between 17 and 31 degrees do not have an affect onoxygen production. When the temperature exceeds 31 degrees theproduction of oxygen decreases.
  • How does CO2 level affect oxygen production?
  • How does the color of light affect the rate of photosynthesis?
  • How does temperature affect oxygen production?
  • How does oxygen production relate to the rate of photosynthesis?
If the light intensity is high and the CO2 level is high then more oxygen is created.
  • In the Gizmo, what light intensity and CO2 level do you think will maximize the rate of photosynthesis?
  • When we look at a leaf, we see the colors of light that are reflected off its surface. How does this explain the relatively low flow of oxygen in green light?
  • On the graph, notice the Oxygen production bar. Move the Light intensity slider back and forth. How does light intensity affect oxygen production?
  • Why would it be hard to find the ideal CO2 level if the light intensity were very low?
The plant is reflecting the green light instead of absorbing the needed light.
  • When we look at a leaf, we see the colors of light that are reflected off its surface. How does this explain the relatively low flow of oxygen in green light?
  • Why would it be hard to find the ideal CO2 level if the light intensity were very low?
  • In the Gizmo, what light intensity and CO2 level do you think will maximize the rate of photosynthesis?
  • On the graph, notice the Oxygen production bar. Move the Light intensity slider back and forth. How does light intensity affect oxygen production?
The color of light affects the rate of photosynthesis when the production of oxygen increases at 450 nm (blue), drops, then rise again at 660 nm (orange).
  • How does oxygen production relate to the rate of photosynthesis?
  • How does temperature affect oxygen production?
  • How does the color of light affect the rate of photosynthesis?
  • How does CO2 level affect oxygen production?
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