Using non-verbal concept formation. In this test you are presented with blocks with different color sides. You are shown a picture of a design which you must replicate with the blocks. (spacial relations)
  • Wechsler: Block Design Subtest
  • Wechsler: Arithmetic Subtest
  • Wechsler: Similarities Subtest
  • Wechsler: Comprehension Subtest
using practical judgement in everyday social situations. "using" (applying) practical judgementWhat should you do when you cut your finger?Why should we pay bills by check rather than by cash?
  • Wechsler: Block Design Subtest
  • Wechsler: Comprehension Subtest
  • Wechsler: Arithmetic Subtest
  • Wechsler: Similarities Subtest
Making associations quickly and accurately, visual-motor integration.You are presented with a series of numbers 1-For each number there is a unique symbol. You are then presented with a field of random numbers and you have to begin at the top to accurately record the unique symbol for each number as you encounter it. There is a 2 minute time limit.
  • Wechsler: Coding Subtest
  • Wechsler: Arithmetic Subtest
  • Wechsler: Similarities Subtest
  • Wechsler: Comprehension Subtest
Seeing basic relationships between facts and ideas. "Seeing"You must see the basic relationship between plums and peaches (categorize) as fruit. In what way are a plum and a peach alike?In what way are a mountain and a lake alike?
  • Wechsler: Picture Arrangement Subtest
  • Wechsler: Block Design Subtest
  • Wechsler: Similarities Subtest
  • Wechsler: Comprehension Subtest
Visually tracking stimuli, visual-motor coordinationYou are presented with a series of mazes with different difficulties. The hand-eye coordination is tested by pencil control throughout the maze.
  • Wechsler: Mazes Subtest
  • Wechsler: Picture Completion Subtest
  • Wechsler: Comprehension Subtest
  • Wechsler: Arithmetic Subtest
One reason these changes occur is that brain functioning begins to change in middle adulthood. Researchers have found that 20 genes that are vital to learning, memory, and mental flexibility begin to function less efficiently as early as age 40.
  • Adult Intelligence: Genes
  • Adult Intelligence: Environmental and cultural factors
  • Adult Intelligence: Changing Techniques
  • Adult Intelligence: How does it affect individuals?
There are also significant individual differences. Some people begin to show declines in their 30s, while others show no declines until their 70s. In fact, about a third of people in their 70s score higher than the average young adult.
  • Adult Intelligence: Genes
  • Adult Intelligence: How does it affect individuals?
  • Adult Intelligence: Environmental and cultural factors
  • Adult Intelligence: Changing Techniques
Demonstrating scope and quality in use of language.Diamond. What is a diamond?Mantis. What is a mantis?
  • Wechsler: Similarities Subtest
  • Wechsler: Arithmetic Subtest
  • Wechsler: Comprehension Subtest
  • Wechsler: Vocabulary Subtest
Seeing and planning a logical sequence in everyday social events. Comic like frames are presented in random order. Within a time limit, you have to arrange the frames in logical order.
  • Wechsler: Picture Arrangement Subtest
  • Wechsler: Picture Completion Subtest
  • Wechsler: Similarities Subtest
  • Wechsler: Comprehension Subtest
On average, some cognitive declines are found in all abilities by age 67, but they are minimal until the 80s. Even at age 81, less than half of the people tested showed consistent declines over the previous 7 years.
  • Wechsler: Object Assembly Subtest
  • Adult Intelligence: What general age range does most decline happen?
  • Adult Intelligence: Fluid intelligence vs crystallized intelligence.
  • Wechsler: Information Subtest
using general information abstracted from the culture. "using" (applying) general information. What animal do we get our milk from?Why does oil float on water?What does the stomach do?
  • Adult Intelligence: What general age range does most decline happen?
  • Wechsler: Information Subtest
  • Wechsler: Arithmetic Subtest
  • Adult Intelligence: Fluid intelligence vs crystallized intelligence.
Visually identifying essential features of familiar objects. The respondent is presented with a series of scenes. One scene the sun is shining with a house, car and tree. The house and car have shadows, but the tree does not. What is missing?
  • Wechsler: Picture Completion Subtest
  • Wechsler: Similarities Subtest
  • Wechsler: Mazes Subtest
  • Wechsler: Picture Arrangement Subtest
Assembling material into a conceptually meaningful whole. You are presented with pieces of a puzzle. Within a time limit you must arrange the pieces so they depict something meaningful.
  • Adult Intelligence: What general age range does most decline happen?
  • Wechsler: Object Assembly Subtest
  • Wechsler: Information Subtest
  • Adult Intelligence: Fluid intelligence vs crystallized intelligence.
Fluid intelligence reflects information processing capabilities, reasoning, and memory. To arrange a series of letters according to some rule or to memorize a set of numbers uses fluid intelligence.
  • Types of Intelligence: Crystallized Intelligence
  • Types of Intelligence: Fluid Intelligence
  • Adult Intelligence: Changing Techniques
  • Wechsler: Picture Arrangement Subtest
Using abstracted concepts of number and numerical operationsIf I cut an apple in half, how many pieces will I have?If you buy three oranges at 30c each, how much change do you get from a dollar?
  • Wechsler: Comprehension Subtest
  • Wechsler: Arithmetic Subtest
  • Wechsler: Similarities Subtest
  • Wechsler: Block Design Subtest
Environmental and cultural factors play a role. People with no chronic disease, higher socioeconomic status, involvement in an intellectually stimulating environment, a flexible personality style, a bright spouse, good perceptual processing speed, and satisfaction with one's accomplishments in midlife or early old age showed less decline.
  • Adult Intelligence: Genes
  • Adult Intelligence: Changing Techniques
  • Adult Intelligence: Environmental and cultural factors
  • Adult Intelligence: How does it affect individuals?
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