Mr. Summer's safe of his coal company; wood chips
  • Where is the black box stored every night before the lottery? What was originally used before paper?
  • Who are the main characters in the story? What type of characters are there?
  • Identify the postmaster. What is he carrying?
  • Who made the black box?
- 77 times
  • How many times has Old Man warner been in the Lottery?
  • Identify the speaker: "I wish they'd hurry....I'd wish they'ed hurry"
  • Identify the speaker: "It isn't fair, it isn't right,"
  • Identify the speaker: "Time sure goes fast"
- 1st: The children- 2nd: Men and Women
  • Who is the protagonist of the story?
  • Who "won" the lottery?
  • Who assembled first in the square? Second?
  • Who was in charge of calling the names for the lottery?
It is a warm June day in a wholesome good natured town where the people are kind, polite, and happy.Every year, this small town of about 300 people have a lottery. This has been a tradition for many years and the people won't ever give it up. Which ever family wins the lottery loses a family member.
  • What does the black box represent?
  • lottery (Meaning of title)
  • Exposition (Setting)
  • blind tradition (theme)
Mrs. Delacroix
  • Which of the following changes has been made in the way the lottery is conducted?
  • Identify the speaker: "You're in time, though. They're still talking away up there
  • Identify the speaker: "Time sure goes fast"
  • Identify the speaker: "It's not the way it used to be...People ain't the way they used to be."
Lottery brings good harvest
  • What are some examples of irony in "The Lottery"?
  • How long does it take to complete the lottery in this particular town?
  • What saying does Old Man Warner recall about the lottery?
  • How many times has Old Man warner been in the Lottery?
Mr. Harry Graves- a 3-legged stool
  • What happened to the person that won the lottery?
  • Identify the postmaster. What is he carrying?
  • Who are the main characters in the story? What type of characters are there?
  • Who is the protagonist of the story?
-27th of june, around 10 o'clock in the morning-in a small town, 300 people
  • What are some examples of symbolism?
  • What is the Plot of "The Lottery"?
  • What is the setting?
  • What was drawn out of the black box?
Slips of paper are now drawn rather than wood chips
  • Name at least 3 other last names who were mentioned in the lottery
  • Identify the speaker: "You're in time, though. They're still talking away up there
  • What is the setting?
  • Which of the following changes has been made in the way the lottery is conducted?
The blackbox; Old Man Warner; faded and stained.
  • This is a key symbol to the story. It is seen to represent the tradition of the lottery, and has been put in use before the oldest man in town. Identify this symbol, state the name of the oldest man in town, and give 2 adjectives.
  • "The Lottery" (in our perception) usually improves our life somehow, in which we get some kind of reward; however in this story, the "winner" of the lottery gets stoned to death. Since the opposite of what is said ("the lottery") is meant. What literary device is this?
  • Tessie desires these 2 people to pick rather than her family. She represents a savage one of these, which is the authors (Jackson's) attitude toward a particular subject in the book (hint: humanity
  • This is the principal one of these in the story. It describes Tessie's change of heart about the lottery, from when she is anxious to get to the lottery, from her attitude when she is selected. Identify this literary device, and what the principal (literary device) is. It is defined as the underlaing meaning/main idea of a literary work
  • How many people live in the village?
  • What is the theme in "The Lottery"?
  • What are some examples of irony in "The Lottery"?
  • Name the process of starting the lottery
suspipcious; suspense
  • suspense
  • What is the tone?
  • What is the mood?
  • Mood
-Don't follow traditions blindly
  • What is the Plot of "The Lottery"?
  • What is the theme in "The Lottery"?
  • What is the tone?
  • What is the setting?
Situational Irony
  • At the beginning of the story, Mrs. Delacroix and Tessie Hutchinson seem to get along; however when Tessie "wins" at the end, Mrs. Delacroix grabs a stone so large she has to hold it with both hands and rushes it to the front. Since a the outcome of this scenario was the opposite of what was expected, what literary device is in play?
  • This is the principal one of these in the story. It describes Tessie's change of heart about the lottery, from when she is anxious to get to the lottery, from her attitude when she is selected. Identify this literary device, and what the principal (literary device) is. It is defined as the underlaing meaning/main idea of a literary work
  • Similar to how humans are stoned in this book, a historical one of these can be the gladiator fights, Aztec human sacrifice, or even the Salem witch trials. Identify this literary term, which is a casual reference to a person, place, event, or another passage in literature. Name at least 4 other types of this literary device, and identify its purpose
  • Identify the character: He's at the front of the crowd when the stoning begins, and he says that they're thinking of gibing up the lottery in the north village. this character represents situational irony, because his though process turns opposite at the end.
people of the town follow this tradition blindly as a tradition. Some question it, but follow it because it's been a town tradition.
  • What is the Plot of "The Lottery"?
  • What are some examples of Allusion?
  • blind tradition (theme)
  • Falling Action
Tessie Hutchinson
  • Identify the speaker: "You're in time, though. They're still talking away up there
  • Identify the speaker: "All right , folks. Let's finish quickly."
  • Identify the speaker: "It's not the way it used to be...People ain't the way they used to be."
  • Identify the speaker: "It isn't fair, it isn't right,"
Clarke, Delacroix, Anderon, Bentham, Zanini, Watson,
  • What saying does Old Man Warner recall about the lottery?
  • Name at least 3 other last names who were mentioned in the lottery
  • What are some examples of symbolism?
  • Identify the speaker: "You're in time, though. They're still talking away up there
There is a bloodthirsty, savage-like side to humans; eg. gladiator fighs, mixed martial arts fights, video games, and how we look for the destruction on a car crash. When Tessie's family is selected, she'd rather risk her own daughter's life
  • This is a key symbol to the story. It is seen to represent the tradition of the lottery, and has been put in use before the oldest man in town. Identify this symbol, state the name of the oldest man in town, and give 2 adjectives.
  • Rising Action
  • Shirley Jackson's perception on human nature is not only seen in the excited stoning of Tessie in the story, but also seen in daily life. Since many humans thought the story was making this statement, they cancelled their subscriptions. What is this perception, and what are some examples of this perception of humanity outside the story? Also, give an example of this perception other than the stoning in the book
  • Similar to how humans are stoned in this book, a historical one of these can be the gladiator fights, Aztec human sacrifice, or even the Salem witch trials. Identify this literary term, which is a casual reference to a person, place, event, or another passage in literature. Name at least 4 other types of this literary device, and identify its purpose
-Mrs. Hutchinson
  • Identify the character: She is the protagonist of the story, in that we follow her around. She is the main symbol of hypocrisy in this story. She runs late to the lottery, and ends up "winning".
  • Who was late to the lottery? Why?
  • Who was in charge of calling the names for the lottery?
  • Who "won" the lottery?
  • This is a key symbol to the story. It is seen to represent the tradition of the lottery, and has been put in use before the oldest man in town. Identify this symbol, state the name of the oldest man in town, and give 2 adjectives.
  • "The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-summer day;the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green." Descriptive language is being used here to help create a mental image that appeals to our senses of vision, feeling, and smell. The following excerpt is an example of which literary term?
  • "The Lottery" (in our perception) usually improves our life somehow, in which we get some kind of reward; however in this story, the "winner" of the lottery gets stoned to death. Since the opposite of what is said ("the lottery") is meant. What literary device is this?
  • Identify the character: He's at the front of the crowd when the stoning begins, and he says that they're thinking of gibing up the lottery in the north village. this character represents situational irony, because his though process turns opposite at the end.
Blindly following tradition
  • Name some of the children who started to collect stones. Bonus; what literary term is present in this part of the story?
  • Davy throws stones at his own mother without knowing what he is doing. He never realizes that it's his own mother he's killing. Davy represents this theme, critical to a dystopian society such as the one in the book
  • Identify the postmaster. What is he carrying?
  • Identify the character: He is the oldest man in the town, and has participated in the lottery this many times. Something he says is "come on, come on, everyone". Also state the number of times he has participated in the lottery.
- slips of paper- one of which had a black dot on it
  • What is the theme in "The Lottery"?
  • What are some examples of symbolism?
  • Which of the following changes has been made in the way the lottery is conducted?
  • What was drawn out of the black box?
Protagonist: Mrs. Hutchinson
  • Who was in charge of calling the names for the lottery?
  • Who was late to the lottery? Why?
  • Identify the postmaster. What is he carrying?
  • Who is the protagonist of the story?
man vs. society; tessie is stoned to death; resolved by Tessie Hutchinson getting the black dot and dying. MAN VS. SELF (Tessie's husband wanted to tell on his wife)
  • Who "won" the lottery?
  • Conflict
  • Who are the main characters in the story? What type of characters are there?
  • Who was in charge of calling the names for the lottery?
2 days
  • Identify the speaker: "You're in time, though. They're still talking away up there
  • What are some examples of irony in "The Lottery"?
  • How many times has Old Man warner been in the Lottery?
  • How long does the lottery last in other villages
- evil, serious
  • Identify the speaker: "You're in time, though. They're still talking away up there
  • What was drawn out of the black box?
  • What is the tone?
  • What is the Plot of "The Lottery"?
- Kids stuffing pockets with ricks- The people were nervous- The kept the box locked up, and it was old and black
  • What is the theme in "The Lottery"?
  • What are some examples of Allusion?
  • What are some examples of foreshadowing?
  • What are some examples of irony in "The Lottery"?
- Old man Warner
  • Which character thought quitting the lottery was a bad idea?
  • How long does it take to complete the lottery in this particular town?
  • What saying does Old Man Warner recall about the lottery?
  • Identify the speaker: "All right , folks. Let's finish quickly."
Steve Adams
  • What is the tone?
  • Identify the speaker: "I wish they'd hurry....I'd wish they'ed hurry"
  • At the beginning of the story, Mrs. Delacroix and Tessie Hutchinson seem to get along; however when Tessie "wins" at the end, Mrs. Delacroix grabs a stone so large she has to hold it with both hands and rushes it to the front. Since a the outcome of this scenario was the opposite of what was expected, what literary device is in play?
  • Identify the character: He's at the front of the crowd when the stoning begins, and he says that they're thinking of gibing up the lottery in the north village. this character represents situational irony, because his though process turns opposite at the end.
Mr. Summers had the make the list of the heads of families, heads of households per family, and number of members per household, swearing-in of Mr. Summers
  • What are some examples of symbolism?
  • What are some examples of Allusion?
  • Name the process of starting the lottery
  • What is the Plot of "The Lottery"?
-Sad, depressing
  • What is the Plot of "The Lottery"?
  • This is the principal one of these in the story. It describes Tessie's change of heart about the lottery, from when she is anxious to get to the lottery, from her attitude when she is selected. Identify this literary device, and what the principal (literary device) is. It is defined as the underlaing meaning/main idea of a literary work
  • What is the setting?
  • What is the mood?
The town gathers and the names are drawn as people take a piece of paper and wait to see who the "winner" is.
  • lottery (Meaning of title)
  • Rising Action
  • What is the setting?
  • Main Characters
- it takes from about 10 o'clock to noon dinner
  • Name at least 3 other last names who were mentioned in the lottery
  • What was drawn out of the black box?
  • What are some examples of symbolism?
  • How long does it take to complete the lottery in this particular town?
- 3rd person
  • What happened to the person that won the lottery?
  • Who made the black box?
  • Who assembled first in the square? Second?
  • What Point of View is "The Lottery" told from?
  • What is the tone?
  • What are some examples of symbolism?
  • The oldest son in the Martin family
  • How many people live in the village?
Tessie - Arrives late, supports lottery but protests when she is picked and is stoned to death; Old Man Warner - Oldest man in village; believes that the lottery keeps people from returning to a barbaric state (murder someone then they won't want to do it anymore).Mr. Summers - Conducts the lottery. Mr. Summers prepares the slips of paper that go into the black box and calls the names of the people who draw the papers. The childless owner of a coal company, he is one of the village leaders.Bill Hutchinson - Tessie's husband; first draws the marked paper, but he picks a blank paper during the second drawing; showed that Tessie drew marked paper.Mr. Harry Graves - Postmaster; Helps Mr. Summers prepare the papers for the lottery and assists him during the ritual.
  • Falling Action
  • Main Characters
  • What is the mood?
  • Which character thought quitting the lottery was a bad idea?
the last name Dellacroix--De la cruz---"Of the Cross" which is alluding to the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross
  • What is the Plot of "The Lottery"?
  • blind tradition (theme)
  • What are some examples of irony in "The Lottery"?
  • What are some examples of Allusion?
- The black box: Symbolic of the deterioration of tradition
  • What are some examples of Allusion?
  • What are some examples of symbolism?
  • This is a key symbol to the story. It is seen to represent the tradition of the lottery, and has been put in use before the oldest man in town. Identify this symbol, state the name of the oldest man in town, and give 2 adjectives.
  • What are some examples of irony in "The Lottery"?
Narrator is in 3rd person ominiscent
  • What Point of View is "The Lottery" told from?
  • Who is the protagonist of the story?
  • Who "won" the lottery?
  • Point of View
-Mr. Hutchinson: static-Mrs. Hutchinson: dynamic-Mr. Summers: static
  • Who "won" the lottery?
  • Who are the main characters in the story? What type of characters are there?
  • Where is the black box stored every night before the lottery? What was originally used before paper?
  • Who was late to the lottery? Why?
Verbal Irony
  • At the beginning of the story, Mrs. Delacroix and Tessie Hutchinson seem to get along; however when Tessie "wins" at the end, Mrs. Delacroix grabs a stone so large she has to hold it with both hands and rushes it to the front. Since a the outcome of this scenario was the opposite of what was expected, what literary device is in play?
  • This is the principal one of these in the story. It describes Tessie's change of heart about the lottery, from when she is anxious to get to the lottery, from her attitude when she is selected. Identify this literary device, and what the principal (literary device) is. It is defined as the underlaing meaning/main idea of a literary work
  • Identify the character: He's at the front of the crowd when the stoning begins, and he says that they're thinking of gibing up the lottery in the north village. this character represents situational irony, because his though process turns opposite at the end.
  • "The Lottery" (in our perception) usually improves our life somehow, in which we get some kind of reward; however in this story, the "winner" of the lottery gets stoned to death. Since the opposite of what is said ("the lottery") is meant. What literary device is this?
Mr. Joe Summers
  • Identify the speaker: "It's not the way it used to be...People ain't the way they used to be."
  • Identify the speaker: "All right , folks. Let's finish quickly."
  • Identify the speaker: "It isn't fair, it isn't right,"
  • Identify the speaker: "I wish they'd hurry....I'd wish they'ed hurry"
Don and Eva; tone
  • Tessie desires these 2 people to pick rather than her family. She represents a savage one of these, which is the authors (Jackson's) attitude toward a particular subject in the book (hint: humanity
  • How many times has Old Man warner been in the Lottery?
  • Identify the speaker: "I wish they'd hurry....I'd wish they'ed hurry"
  • Identify the speaker: "You're in time, though. They're still talking away up there
The shabby black box represents both the tradition of the lottery and the illogic of the villagers' loyalty to it. The black box is nearly falling apart, hardly even black anymore after years of use and storage, but the villagers are unwilling to replace it. They base their attachment on nothing more than a story that claims that this black box was made from pieces of another, older black box. The lottery is filled with similar relics from the past that have supposedly been passed down from earlier days, such as the creation of family lists and use of stones.
  • What does the black box represent?
  • What is the setting?
  • What is the theme in "The Lottery"?
  • What was drawn out of the black box?
Public game where 1 member is picked randomly for some kind of prize (in this case - stoning)
  • lottery (Meaning of title)
  • Falling Action
  • What are some examples of symbolism?
  • What are some examples of Allusion?
Bobby Martin, Dickie Delacroix, Harry Jones
  • Who are the main characters in the story? What type of characters are there?
  • Identify the character: He is the oldest man in the town, and has participated in the lottery this many times. Something he says is "come on, come on, everyone". Also state the number of times he has participated in the lottery.
  • Name some of the children who started to collect stones. Bonus; what literary term is present in this part of the story?
  • What Point of View is "The Lottery" told from?
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