All of the following are steps toward effective time management EXCEPT:
  • playing sports
  • Goals should be difficult but realistic.
  • Allowing yourself to sleep until you wake up.
  • measuring and calculating.
Which of the following is most important when setting goals?
  • measuring and calculating.
  • remembering the small things
  • Allowing yourself to sleep until you wake up.
  • Goals should be difficult but realistic.
When setting your schedule, it is sometimes necessary to tell people "No."
  • T
  • Allowing yourself to sleep until you wake up.
  • F
  • playing sports
Setting goals that match your lifestyle helps improve chances that they will be reached.
  • F
  • remembering the small things
  • T
  • while driving a car
All the following are techniques to manage time effectively EXCEPT:
  • measuring and calculating.
  • remembering the small things
  • Allowing yourself to sleep until you wake up.
  • playing sports
One way to help budget time is to tell others that you will not take calls during certain times.
  • while driving a car
  • T
  • remembering the small things
  • F
Which of the following is important to take into consideration when organizing day-to-day priorities?
  • measuring and calculating.
  • remembering the small things
  • Goals should be difficult but realistic.
  • Allowing yourself to sleep until you wake up.
Committed time includes time needed for all of the following EXCEPT:
  • measuring and calculating.
  • playing sports
  • Allowing yourself to sleep until you wake up.
  • Goals should be difficult but realistic.
Passive leisure is just as beneficial as active leisure.
  • T
  • F
  • measuring and calculating.
  • playing sports
When learning to manage time, it is important to reward yourself for accomplishing goals.
  • while driving a car
  • remembering the small things
  • T
  • F
Free time spent exerting physical or mental energy.
  • committed time
  • active leisure
  • passive leisure
  • free time
Tools and techniques used to manage time when working towards specific goals.
  • committed time
  • time management
  • passive leisure
  • active leisure
Free time during which little physical or mental energy is exerted.
  • committed time
  • time management
  • active leisure
  • passive leisure
A manner of completing tasks which stresses getting the best result from an action.
  • efficiency
  • committed time
  • free time
  • time management
A mental state of mind about ideas, issues, and concepts.
  • active leisure
  • free time
  • passive leisure
  • perspective
Productive time which must be spent on required activities which take precedence over leisure tasks.
  • active leisure
  • committed time
  • passive leisure
  • free time
Watching TV, going to the movies, listening to music, sunbathing, or any other activity that requires almost no mental or physical effort is an example of passive leisure.
  • Describe the ideal qualities of time management goals.
  • Describe an example of how to utilize spare time?
  • How can you restrict unnecessary communications?
  • List some examples of passive leisure.
Goals for time management should be realistic and reachable.
  • free time
  • Describe an example of how to utilize spare time?
  • Describe the ideal qualities of time management goals.
  • Which of the following statements BEST describes how the amount of sleep you get affects your ability to manage time?
procrastinate until the night before
  • All of the following are examples of active leisure activities EXCEPT:
  • Compare and contrast the health benefits and the amount of physical or mental energy needed between active leisure activities and passive leisure activities.
  • Which of the following statements BEST describes how the amount of sleep you get affects your ability to manage time?
  • Julie has not started her essay that's due in a week and is feeling stressed because it's worth a lot of points. Which of the following pieces of advice would you NOT recommend?
listening to music
  • Which of the following statements BEST describes how the amount of sleep you get affects your ability to manage time?
  • All of the following are examples of active leisure activities EXCEPT:
  • Describe the ideal qualities of time management goals.
  • List some examples of passive leisure.
Committed time is the period of time spent going to school or work.
  • Describe the ideal qualities of time management goals.
  • perspective
  • Which of the following BEST describes committed time?
  • Which of the following statements BEST describes how the amount of sleep you get affects your ability to manage time?
Too little sleep makes tasks more difficult to perform.
  • Which of the following statements BEST describes how the amount of sleep you get affects your ability to manage time?
  • Describe the ideal qualities of time management goals.
  • Julie has not started her essay that's due in a week and is feeling stressed because it's worth a lot of points. Which of the following pieces of advice would you NOT recommend?
  • All of the following are examples of active leisure activities EXCEPT:
Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Ways to utilize spare time include reading on the bus ride home from school or doing homework while waiting at the doctor's office.
  • Describe the ideal qualities of time management goals.
  • Define time management and give two activities that you can do to help manage your tasks, homework, or projects better.
  • How can you restrict unnecessary communications?
  • Describe an example of how to utilize spare time?
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