A haiku is a poem that consists of three lines.A haiku often contains a kigo.A haiku contains ideas that are written in present tense.
  • Which sentence best completes this conclusion with a relevant call to action?
  • Which statements describe haiku? Check all that apply.
  • Which statement best describes the differences between these poems?
  • Which behaviors are characteristics of an effective speaker? Check all that apply.
The haiku captures a single moment, while the romantic poem weaves a tale using images.
  • Which sentence best completes this conclusion with a relevant call to action?
  • Which behaviors are characteristics of an effective speaker? Check all that apply.
  • Which statements describe haiku? Check all that apply.
  • Which statement best describes the differences between these poems?
as a persuasive device showing the potential of a community garden
  • What is the purpose of this presentation?
  • How could this image be used to enhance a multimedia presentation?
  • Which sentence best completes this conclusion with a relevant call to action?
  • Which statement best describes the differences between these poems?
  • A reader who studies Keats's word choice in "Ode on a Grecian Urn" is studying the author's.
  • What motif is addressed in both forms of poetry?
  • Which statement most accurately describes this excerpt?
  • What theme do both passages share?
carefree and optimistic
  • Which sentence best completes this conclusion with a relevant call to action?
  • Which statements describe haiku? Check all that apply.
  • Which best describes the mood of the haiku?
  • What is the purpose of this presentation?
  • What motif is addressed in both forms of poetry?
  • A reader who studies Keats's word choice in "Ode on a Grecian Urn" is studying the author's.
  • What theme do both passages share?
  • Which statement most accurately describes this excerpt?
Death is inevitable.
  • What motif is addressed in both forms of poetry?
  • What theme do both passages share?
  • A reader who studies Keats's word choice in "Ode on a Grecian Urn" is studying the author's.
  • Writers during the Romantic period were interested in .
This excerpt shows influences of the Romantic movement because it focuses on the awe-inspiring power of nature.
  • Which statements describe haiku? Check all that apply.
  • What motif is addressed in both forms of poetry?
  • A reader who studies Keats's word choice in "Ode on a Grecian Urn" is studying the author's.
  • Which statement most accurately describes this excerpt?
great beauty
  • What is the connotation of the word wealth as it is used in this context?
  • Which statement best describes the differences between these poems?
  • Which sentence best completes this conclusion with a relevant call to action?
  • What is the purpose of this presentation?
establishing eye contactreferring to multimedia visual aidsusing a suitable volume and pace
  • Which statement best describes the differences between these poems?
  • Which sentence best completes this conclusion with a relevant call to action?
  • Which behaviors are characteristics of an effective speaker? Check all that apply.
  • Which statements describe haiku? Check all that apply.
  • How could this image be used to enhance a multimedia presentation?
  • The word from the passage that best defines the topic is
  • What is the connotation of the word wealth as it is used in this context?
  • Which statements describe haiku? Check all that apply.
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