Rome - quote
  • A trip to Taipei, Taiwan, to study the Matsu parade would make an appropriate chapter for a book on the:
  • Regardless of how large a settlement is, it does not become truly urban until:
  • According to geographer Peter Hall, "the first great city in world history" was:
  • Which one of the following is the most accurate statement about mercantilism?
China - China is not developed because its per capita GDP remains below the threshold for developed status.
  • If you were studying cities located in the More Developed Countries, you might consider case studies in all of the following except:
  • Which one of the following cities would be most likely to fit the principles of central place theory?
  • For a place to be classified as urban by the U.S. Census Bureau, it must have at least how many inhabitants?
  • Which one of the following jobs would most likely be classified as part of a city's informal economy?
cultural geography of cities - a parade is a cultural celebration
  • A trip to Taipei, Taiwan, to study the Matsu parade would make an appropriate chapter for a book on the:
  • Which one of the following cities would be most likely to fit the principles of central place theory?
  • For a place to be classified as urban by the U.S. Census Bureau, it must have at least how many inhabitants?
  • Which one of the following jobs would most likely be classified as part of a city's informal economy?
Harris and Ullman's multiple nuclei model - all the other models revolve around a Central Business District, whereas the multiple nuclei module describes multiple centers other than that.
  • Which one of the following jobs would most likely be classified as part of a city's informal economy?
  • For a place to be classified as urban by the U.S. Census Bureau, it must have at least how many inhabitants?
  • The influence of the CBD is least important in which of the traditional models of city structure?
  • Which one of the following cities would be most likely to fit the principles of central place theory?
Trade subsidies and trade monopolies were essential to mercantilistic enterprise. - mercantilism/merchant, its in the name
  • Which one of the following is the most accurate statement about mercantilism?
  • Which one of the following jobs would most likely be classified as part of a city's informal economy?
  • Regardless of how large a settlement is, it does not become truly urban until:
  • Which one of the following cities would be most likely to fit the principles of central place theory?
street vendor - informal economy is not regulated and considered in an overall assessment of the economy
  • Which one of the following is the most accurate statement about mercantilism?
  • Which one of the following jobs would most likely be classified as part of a city's informal economy?
  • Which one of the following cities would be most likely to fit the principles of central place theory?
  • Regardless of how large a settlement is, it does not become truly urban until:
Decatur, Illinois, an agricultural service center - a central service center would fit the theory of a central place and smaller towns outside of the city
  • The influence of the CBD is least important in which of the traditional models of city structure?
  • Which one of the following jobs would most likely be classified as part of a city's informal economy?
  • Which one of the following is the most accurate statement about mercantilism?
  • Which one of the following cities would be most likely to fit the principles of central place theory?
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