What was the main reason that Lincoln waged war against the South?
  • To bring the Confederate states back under the laws and control of the United States
  • To wipe out the Confederacy and destroy the southern states
  • To abolish slavery throughout the United States
  • To defend the North from Southern agression
What was the primary goal of the Confederacy in fighting the Civil War?
  • To rejoin the United States
  • To take control of the federal government of the United States
  • To remain an independent country where slavery was permitted
  • To wipe out the Union and destroy the northern states
Which of the following was the first Southern state to secede from the Union?
  • Virginia
  • North Carolina
  • Georgia
  • South Carolina
What was the significance of the attack on Fort Sumter?
  • Confederate artillery fired on the United States’ fort. These were the first shots of the Civil War.
  • Union artillery fired on the Confederate fort. These were the first shots of the Civil War.
  • The British attack on the Confederate fort signified that Great Britain would support the Union in the Civil War.
  • The British attack on the Union fort signified that Great Britain would support the Confederacy in the Civil War.
Which of the following cities served as a capital of the Confederate States of America?
  • Washington, D.C.
  • Richmond, Virginia
  • Savannah, Georgia
  • Charleston, South Carolina
  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Jefferson Davis
  • Robert E. Lee
  • The Confederacy did not elect a president.
How did the Civil War lead to the creation of West Virginia?
  • Following a successful attack on Virginia, President Lincoln declared the region part of Union territories.
  • At the conclusion of the war President Lincoln wanted to punish Virginia for its disloyalty and created West Virginia.
  • The Appalachian region of western Virginia was made up of citizens who opposed secession and had little love or need for slavery; as a result, the region applied for Union statehood.
  • The Confederacy had no use for the region’s poor farmland, instead selling it to the Union to raise funds for the war effort.
Which of the following was a major advantage for the Union over the Confederate States?
  • A larger population
  • More factories
  • More railroads
  • All of the above
Which of the following was a major advantage for the Confederate States over the Union?
  • The Confederacy only needed to defend its own territory, which is easier than invading an enemy's territory.
  • The Confederacy had successfully enlisted the majority of the slave population to fight in its army.
  • The Confederacy had the largest naval force in the Western Hemisphere.
  • All of the above.
  • They thought the conflict would be a long, drawn-out affair
  • They thought the conflict would be over in a matter of months
  • They thought the North would win a quick victory
  • They thought the South would win a quick victory
What impact did the first Battle of Bull Run have on the expectations for the war?
  • It confirmed that the Civil War would conclude quickly.
  • It confirmed the superiority of the Union forces.
  • It set the tone for a longer and bloodier conflict than either side had envisioned.
  • It confirmed that the Confederacy would be unable to defend the city of Richmond.
  • These new weapons were so expensive that they could not be produced in large quantities.
  • These new weapons were extremely complex and could not be used safely by untrained soldiers.
  • These new weapons were far too heavy to transport on long marches.
  • Initially, generals did not adjust strategies to compensate for the improved range, accuracy, and firing rates of these new weapons.
Who took command of the Army of Northern Virginia on June 1, 1862?
  • General George McClellan
  • General Robert E. Lee
  • General Ulysses S. Grant
  • General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson
Which of the following best describes General George McClellan’s tactics during the Civil War?
  • Overly cautious
  • Overly aggressive
  • Disorganized
  • Risky
What was the significance of the battle between the
  • It was the first naval victory for the Union in the Civil War.
  • It was the first naval victory for the Confederacy in the Civil War.
  • It was the first time in history two ships would run aground in the same battle.
  • It was the first time in history two ironclad ships met in battle.
Which of these statements is true regarding the Battle of Antietam?
  • It was the final battle of the war.
  • It was the longest battle of the war.
  • It produced the highest single-day casualty rate of the war.
  • It was a decisive victory for the South.
Which of the following was one of the most significant results of Union General Ulysses S. Grant’s campaign in the West?
  • Grant secured long stretches of the Mississippi and its connecting rivers for the Union.
  • Grant liberated many Southern plantations which crippled the Southern economy.
  • Grant's troops sank the entire Confederate ironclad fleet.
  • All of the above.
What did the Emancipation Proclamation do?
  • Abolished slavery throughout the United States
  • Proclaimed the end of slavery in the areas of the South which were still in rebellion
  • Abolished all slavery in the South
  • Gave slaves the right to vote
Which of the following describes the combat role of African Americans in the Civil War:
  • They fought in the Union army alongside white soldiers.
  • They fought in the Union army in segregated regiments.
  • They fought in large numbers for both the Union and Confederacy.
  • They fought for the Confederacy in exchange for freedom.
What of the following was the leading cause of death among Civil War soldiers?
  • Gunshot wounds
  • Disease
  • Cannon fire
  • Stabbing wounds
How did the Civil War affect the Northern and Southern economies?
  • The Union economy thrived during the war, but the Confederate economy struggled.
  • The Confederate economy thrived during the war, but the Union economy struggled.
  • Both the Union and Confederate economies thrived during the war.
  • Both the Union and Confederate economies struggled during the war.
What led Robert E. Lee to decide to to make his first invasion of the North?
  • He had a much larger force than the Union and wanted to capitalize on the advantage
  • He invaded the North while pursuing retreating Union forces
  • He was urged by leaders in England and France to be more aggressive
  • He invaded the North to acquire food and supplies that his troops needed
What effect did the battles of Gettysburg and Vicksburg have on the outcome of the war?
  • The Union suffered a lack of confidence due to their overwhelming defeats at the hands of the Confederates.
  • The stalemates at Gettysburg and Vicksburg made it very apparent that the Civil War was far from over.
  • The Union Victories at Gettysburg and Vicksburg shifted the tide of the war in favor of the Union.
  • The Union victory in Gettysburg kept Lee’s forces away from Washington D.C. while the Confederate victory at Vicksburg meant the Confederacy still maintained control of the Mississippi River.
What was Sherman’s strategy for attacking the South in 1864?
  • Long-term sieges on Southern cities
  • A total war strategy aiming to conquer the South
  • Precision attacks on a few key targets
  • Instead of focusing on fighting, focus on convincing Southerners to abandon the Confederate cause
What support did Grant offer to Lee’s forces in the Confederate surrender agreement at Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865?
  • Confederate soldiers could keep their horses.
  • Confederate soldiers were granted free passage home.
  • Confederate soldiers were offered a ration of three days’ worth of food.
  • All of the above.
Which of the following best describes the results of the Civil War?
  • The Confederate states eventually rejoined the United States.
  • The Confederate States won the right to remain an independent country.
  • Slavery remained in effect in parts of the United States for many years.
  • America won its independence from Great Britain.
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