"Stare decisis" means "let the decision stand." This concept is influential in our legal system and is most closely related with which legal term?
  • the Federal Reserve
  • presidential elections
  • comparative advantage
  • precedent
Which action is an example of direct democracy?
  • becoming overly involved with foreign politics
  • senators
  • to return private competition to the marketplace
  • voting for the recall of a state governor
In Congress, who has the right to unlimited debate and unlimited opportunity to offer amendments?
  • senators
  • to return private competition to the marketplace
  • voting for the recall of a state governor
  • chief of staff
What was the goal of Congress when it passed the Sherman Antitrust Act to break up corporate trusts?
  • voting for the recall of a state governor
  • to return private competition to the marketplace
  • senators
  • becoming overly involved with foreign politics
Which sentence in the US Constitution provides for limiting the power of government?
  • a sign in a restaurant that states "Think before you smoke - secondhand smoke kills"
  • the Clean Air Act
  • The two generally operate separately, although federal courts may overrule state court decisions that violate the US Constitution or federal law.
  • "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion ... or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press."
Which government agency's primary mission is ensuring that enough money and credit are available to sustain economic growth without causing inflation?
  • comparative advantage
  • presidential elections
  • a federal government
  • the Federal Reserve
A group of citizens is very serious about banning smoking in public places. Which course of action is the best way for the group to influence government smoking policies?
  • a sign in a restaurant that states "Think before you smoke - secondhand smoke kills"
  • They should start a political action committee and lobby for antismoking policies.
  • The president fills the roles of head of state and head of government.
  • It limited the president's power to start wars.
After educating himself on the ideas and policies of both congressional candidates, Andrew has decided he prefers one candidate over the other. What is the best way for Andrew to ensure his chosen candidate gets elected?
  • He can remember to vote on election day.
  • The president fills the roles of head of state and head of government.
  • It limited the president's power to start wars.
  • They should start a political action committee and lobby for antismoking policies.
What specifically was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. speaking out against when he made this statement in 1958?"I could never adjust to the separate waiting rooms, separate eating places, separate rest rooms, partly because the separate was always unequal, and partly because the very idea of separation did something to my sense of dignity and self-respect."
  • comparative advantage
  • Jim Crow laws
  • the Federal Reserve
  • a federal government
Which program is an example of domestic policy?
  • comparative advantage
  • the Clean Air Act
  • "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion ... or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press."
  • to define and limit government power
Which sentence correctly states the relationship between the federal and the state judiciaries?
  • The two generally operate separately, although federal courts may overrule state court decisions that violate the US Constitution or federal law.
  • Citizens vote directly on a proposed law in their city or state.
  • the idea of representative government in which people elect officials to speak for them
  • The Food and Drug Administration must approve a new drug before it can be sold to the public.
Which sentence best describes a referendum?
  • It helps citizens become aware of a politician's wrongdoings.
  • The two generally operate separately, although federal courts may overrule state court decisions that violate the US Constitution or federal law.
  • Citizens vote directly on a proposed law in their city or state.
  • a power specifically named in the Constitution
What were the Founding Fathers trying to create when they divided powers between the judicial, legislative, and executive branches?
  • the Federal Reserve
  • comparative advantage
  • a federal government
  • presidential elections
What was the subject of the Louisiana laws upheld by Plessy v. Ferguson?
  • a federal government
  • comparative advantage
  • separate rail facilities
  • to define and limit government power
Which of these is an example of how the government regulates business in the mixed economy of the United States?
  • The Food and Drug Administration must approve a new drug before it can be sold to the public.
  • The two generally operate separately, although federal courts may overrule state court decisions that violate the US Constitution or federal law.
  • the idea of representative government in which people elect officials to speak for them
  • the Federal Reserve
Shays's Rebellion in western Massachusetts showed that the national government needed additional powers to address some urgent issues. Which issues were they?
  • to define and limit government power
  • a federal government
  • domestic economy and security
  • Locke's Second Treatise of Government
What did the War Powers Resolution of 1973 do?
  • a sign in a restaurant that states "Think before you smoke - secondhand smoke kills"
  • He can remember to vote on election day.
  • The president fills the roles of head of state and head of government.
  • It limited the president's power to start wars.
According to the Declaration of Independence, when do the people have the right to overthrow their government?
  • when the government fails to protect the fundamental rights of the people
  • becoming overly involved with foreign politics
  • power split and shared between the central and state governments
  • to return private competition to the marketplace
What is an enumerated power of Congress?
  • a power specifically named in the Constitution
  • to define and limit government power
  • avoiding the tyranny of a powerful central government
  • It helps citizens become aware of a politician's wrongdoings.
What is considered an important Roman contribution to American government?
  • the idea of representative government in which people elect officials to speak for them
  • The two generally operate separately, although federal courts may overrule state court decisions that violate the US Constitution or federal law.
  • It helps citizens become aware of a politician's wrongdoings.
  • The Food and Drug Administration must approve a new drug before it can be sold to the public.
What was an important concern for the Founding Fathers when drafting the Articles of Confederation?
  • the idea of representative government in which people elect officials to speak for them
  • avoiding the tyranny of a powerful central government
  • a power specifically named in the Constitution
  • to define and limit government power
Which event is an example of a hortatory, or encouraging, technique?
  • They should start a political action committee and lobby for antismoking policies.
  • It limited the president's power to start wars.
  • a sign in a restaurant that states "Think before you smoke - secondhand smoke kills"
  • The president fills the roles of head of state and head of government.
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