Which of the following colonies was settled first?
  • Jamestown
  • Plymouth
  • Roanoke
  • Pennsylvania
Which of the following was the primary reason the Jamestown colony was established?
  • Religious freedom
  • The creation of a free and independent land
  • Profit for European investors
  • To defeat Native Americans in the region
What crop became the key piece in the economic success of the Jamestown colony?
  • Wheat
  • Tobacco
  • Corn
  • Sugar
Which of the following best describes the headright system employed by the Jamestown colony?
  • It was a system where settlers in the colony were granted the freedom to create their own local governments.
  • It was a system used to choose leadership in the Jamestown colony.
  • It was a system created to keep colonists safe from Native American attack.
  • It was a system that guaranteed 50 acres of land for every colonist who paid for their own transport to the colony.
The House of Burgesses that was developed in Virginia during the colonial age was one of the first examples of what in the American colonies?
  • Divine right of kings
  • The right to bear arms
  • Representative government
  • None of the above
What was the name of the ship the Pilgrims used to travel to Plymouth?
  • The Nina
  • The Santa Maria
  • The Mayflower
  • The Jolly Roger
Which of the following was the primary reason the Plymouth colony was established?
  • Religious freedom
  • To spread Christianity to native peoples
  • Profit for European investors
  • To defeat Native Americans in the region
What was the purpose of the Mayflower Compact?
  • To serve as a written set of rules the Plymouth colonists agreed to follow
  • To inform officials in England that the Mayflower had arrived safely in the New World
  • To set up trading networks with other British colonies in the New World
  • To plan for a return trip to England
Which of the following was a key reason the Pilgrims were able to survive the harsh conditions of the Plymouth colony?
  • The Pilgrims brought a surplus of supplies on their journey to the colony, which sustained them for many years.
  • The pilgrims received support from the Wampanoag people.
  • The pilgrims received support from the King of England.
  • The Pilgrims were rugged and determined people who had little trouble with the conditions in Plymouth.
What was George Calvert’s intended goal for the colony of Maryland?
  • To create a naval base for the British Empire to use in defense of its colonies
  • To allow himself, and others like him, the opportunity to escape debts
  • To create a society that supported the ideals of the Church of England
  • To create a safe haven for Catholics who were being persecuted in England
Why did the British seek to take over the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam?
  • The British were afraid of a Dutch attack.
  • The British were afraid the Native Americans would soon overpower the Dutch, so they stepped in to help.
  • The colony's location at the mouth of the Hudson River was a valuable port for colonial trade.
  • The British and Dutch were engaged in a long-standing war in the New World.
What was the result of King Philip’s War?
  • The New England settlers worked with the Native American tribes in the region to oust the French and Dutch settlers, who were planning to set up their own colonies.
  • The New England settlers decimated the strongest Native American tribes in the region, and went on to expand their settlements into what was previously Native American territory.
  • The Native Americans pushed European settlers out of their tribal lands.
  • The allegiance between the New England settlers and Wampanoag Indians became much stronger.
What was the main cause of Bacon’s Rebellion in 1676?
  • British colonists wanted a larger share of the Virginia Company’s profits than they were being given.
  • British colonists were upset that they couldn’t settle western lands due an agreement with Native Americans.
  • British colonists wanted religious freedom.
  • British colonists wanted to break away from the British Empire.
What was William Penn’s primary purpose in creating the colony of Pennsylvania?
  • To create a safe haven in North America for Quakers
  • To generate profits from the region’s abundant supply of natural resources.
  • To create a military outpost to defend against French and Native American threats.
  • To be recognized for exploring and charting the Appalachian wilderness.
What was James Oglethorpe’s main purpose for establishing the colony of Georgia in 1732?
  • To provide a safe haven for those escaping religious persecution from the Church of England
  • To encourage Catholics to migrate to the New World
  • To provide new opportunities for England’s poor and indebted
  • To provide support for Christian missionaries working in the New World
Which of the following created the greatest economic growth for Europeans and their North American colonies during the colonial period?
  • Triangular Trade
  • The Stock Market
  • New knowledge of Native American weapons
  • Finding the Northwest Passage
Which of the following best describes the attitudes of Native Americans towards the European colonies prior to the French and Indian War?
  • The Native Americans disliked all European colonists and colonial empires.
  • The Native Americans were widely supportive of the European colonists and colonial empires.
  • The Native Americans built trust through solid trading relationships with the French, but were weary of the British who regularly broke their treaties and agreements.
  • The Native Americans built trust through solid military relationships with the British, but were weary of the French who regularly broke their treaties and agreements.
Which of the following best describes the French and Indian War?
  • America fought for its independence from Great Britain.
  • The French and the Indians fought against each other for control of North America.
  • The French and British fought to remove the Indians from North America.
  • The British fought against the French for control of North America.
Which of the following best describes the outcome of the French and Indian War?
  • The British defeated the French
  • The French defeated the Indians
  • The French defeated the British
  • The Americans defeated the British
Pontiac’s Rebellion was a Native American response to:
  • British colonists settling in lands promised to the Native Americans
  • The end of the French and Indian War
  • The Proclamation of 1763
  • Broken promises by the French government
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