What was one way Progressives wanted to regulate railroads?-by limiting the fees railroads could charge for carrying freight-by limiting the number of states through which railroads could travel-by determining the wages paid to railroad workers-by determining the amount of taxes the railroads had to pay
  • ruled in favor of government regulations.
  • by limiting the fees railroads could charge for carrying frieght
  • worked together to keep control of the US in the hands of the wealthy.
  • two women who formed the National Woman Suffrage Association
Which of the following best describes how muckrakers brought about reform in the Progressive Era?-Muckrakers presented Americans with facts about corruption in government and industry and encouragedthem to investigate further.-Muckrakers presented Americans with facts about corruption in industry and government that prompted themto demand change.-Muckrakers presented government officials with different ways to reform existing legislation.-Muckrakers presented government officials with facts about different industries and demanded change.
  • The eagle represents the willingness of the United States to use force to protect its territories.
  • Frequent rains caused rivers to flood.
  • Muckrakers presented government officials with different ways to reform existing legislation.
  • Women were not allowed to fully participate in the convention; this led several key female activists to shifttheir focus to women's rights
What impact did Sinclair's book have on the era of Progressive reform?-The Jungle showed that the government was unwilling to make changes because of one person's attempt atreform.-The Jungle made people want to return to the former ways of production they were accustomed to.-The Jungle showed that if the public was informed about a certain issue, it had the power to demand reform from the government.-The Jungle did not have any great or lasting impact on the era of Progressive reform.
  • The Jungle showed that if the public was informed about a certain issue, it had the power to demand reform from the government.
  • Women were not allowed to fully participate in the convention; this led several key female activists to shifttheir focus to women's rights
  • Muckrakers presented government officials with different ways to reform existing legislation.
  • The eagle represents the willingness of the United States to use force to protect its territories.
In 1954, the Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education-overturned Plessy v. Ferguson by ruling segregation unconstitutional.-stated that African American and white schools needed to be equal.-upheld the Separate Car Act by ruling that segregation was legal.-upheld Plessy v. Ferguson by ruling segregation constitutional.
  • He went undercover as a worker in a meat-packing plant.
  • Overturned Plessy v. Ferguson bu ruling segregation unconstitutional
  • Theodore Judah
  • Supporters believed Alaska would provide valuable natural resources, while detractors felt it was too cold and too far away
How did the 1840 World's Anti-Slavery Convention affect the women's suffrage movement?-Women and men participated equally in the convention; this helped show the US government that womendeserved the right to vote.-Women and men participated equally in the convention; this raised the profile of several key female activists.-Women were not allowed to fully participate in the convention; this directly led to the passage of theNineteenth Amendment.-Women were not allowed to fully participate in the convention; this led several key female activists to shifttheir focus to women's rights.
  • The government used land grants to relocate American Indians onto reservations.
  • Muckrakers presented government officials with different ways to reform existing legislation.
  • Women were not allowed to fully participate in the convention; this led several key female activists to shifttheir focus to women's rights
  • Bryan opposed the idea of a fixed value for gold while supporting the concept of a currency based on two metals
Which of the following best describes the controversy in the United States over the 1868 purchase ofAlaska?-Supporters hoped to connect Alaska to the "Lower 48" by annexing Canada, a plan detractors consideredimperialistic.-Supporters saw Alaska as a foothold into Europe, while detractors were concerned that attacking Europewould prove too costly.-Supporters believed Alaska would provide valuable natural resources, while detractors felt it was too cold andtoo far away.-Supporters felt that control of Alaska was key to expanding US trade, while detractors believed that Alaskawas too far north to influence trade.
  • Overturned Plessy v. Ferguson bu ruling segregation unconstitutional
  • Supporters believed Alaska would provide valuable natural resources, while detractors felt it was too cold and too far away
  • Writers who expose corruption perform a vital service to America.
  • He went undercover as a worker in a meat-packing plant.
"I repeat that superior races have a right [to establish colonies], because they have a duty. Theyhave the duty to civilize inferior races."- Jules Ferry, French premier, 1883Ferry's statement supports the practice of-forced religious conversion.-manifest destiny.-imperialism.-patriotism.
  • imperialism
  • The wealthy succeed because they are stronger than the lower class.
  • an initiative
  • temperance, abolition, and women's access to education.
How could William Jennings Bryan oppose the gold standard and also support bimetallism?-Bryan took each position at a different point in his career, with his -support for bimetallism coming later in life.-Bimetallism called for a fixed value for gold, which was the opposite of the gold standard.-Bryan spoke in favor of the gold standard when addressing the wealthy and in favor of bimetallism whenspeaking to the poor.-Bryan opposed the idea of a fixed value for gold while supporting the concept of a currency based on twometals.
  • Women were not allowed to fully participate in the convention; this led several key female activists to shifttheir focus to women's rights
  • Hard work had its own kind of dignity
  • Bryan opposed the idea of a fixed value for gold while supporting the concept of a currency based on two metals
  • industrially underdeveloped countries rich in natural resources
In the early 1800s, female reformers focused on the issue(s) of:-temperance only.-women's access to health care and health education.-temperance, abolition, and women's access to education.-women's right to vote.
  • temperance, abolition, and women's access to education.
  • The public was outraged and demanded legislative reform from the government.
  • industrially underdeveloped countries rich in natural resources
  • markets for the products they produced.
The government's continuous changing of American Indian policy caused-distrust of the federal government among American Indians.-trust of the federal government among American Indians.-all American Indian tribes to rise up against federal government -policies.-all American Indian tribes to accept federal government policies.
  • The public was outraged and demanded legislative reform from the government.
  • industrially underdeveloped countries rich in natural resources
  • -distrust of the federal government among the American Indians
  • to encourage people to become muckraking journalists themselves
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