Select the items below that can help to appeal to the intended or target audience of a site.
  • a. the amount of color used on the siteb. the font size and styles used on the sitec. the overall look and feel for the sited. all of the aboveD is the answer
  • a. the same fonts on each content pageb. the same logo in the same location on each content pagec. a similar navigation area on each content paged. a different background color on each pageD is the answer
  • a. Animation should be used to appeal to all target audiencesb. Animation should be used only if it enhances your web sitec. Animation should be used as much as possible to make your web site exciting.d. None of the statements are trueB is the answer
  • a. provide alternative text for the imagesb. place text links at the bottom of the pagec. both a and b d. no special considerations are neededC is the answer
The main site navigation or a section offering navigation choices should contain:
  • use frames whenever possible
  • hierarchical, linear, and random
  • perceivable, operable, understandable, robust
  • visually grouped sections of hyperlinks
A ____ of a color is darker than the original color and is created by mixing the color with black.
  • triadic
  • shade
  • fluid
  • monochromatic
Select the recommended design practice that applies to a website using images for main site navigation.
  • a. the same fonts on each content pageb. the same logo in the same location on each content pagec. a similar navigation area on each content paged. a different background color on each pageD is the answer
  • a. Placing white space around graphics and headings helps them to stand out.b. There is no need for a lot of navigation because web site visitors can just use the back button.c. Very small text is good to use for web site appealing to the baby-boomer and older market.d. Children like sites with dark colors.A is the answer
  • a. provide alternative text for the imagesb. place text links at the bottom of the pagec. both a and b d. no special considerations are neededC is the answer
  • a. the amount of color used on the siteb. the font size and styles used on the sitec. the overall look and feel for the sited. all of the aboveD is the answer
Consider _______ when designing for display on a mobile device.
  • a. small screen sizeb. font sizec. contrastd. all of the aboveD is the answer
  • empty screen area around blocks of text and images
  • a. the same fonts on each content pageb. the same logo in the same location on each content pagec. a similar navigation area on each content paged. a different background color on each pageD is the answer
  • use frames whenever possible
A ___________ color scheme consists of shades, tints, or tones of the same color.
  • monochromatic
  • contrast
  • proximity
  • triadic
A ____________ is a sketch or blueprint of a web page that shows the structure (but not the detailed design) of basic page elements such as the logo, navigation, content, and footer.
  • One Web
  • triadic
  • wireframe
  • monochromatic
Different browsers and even different browser versions will display your web page ______.
  • hierarchical
  • monochromatic
  • in different ways
  • contrast
Select the group whose mission is to create guidelines and standards for web accessibility.
  • 1366 by 768
  • Web Accessibility Initiative
  • hierarchical, linear, and random
  • hierarchical
Select the item below that does not belong in a consistent website design.
  • a. Animation should be used to appeal to all target audiencesb. Animation should be used only if it enhances your web sitec. Animation should be used as much as possible to make your web site exciting.d. None of the statements are trueB is the answer
  • a. the same fonts on each content pageb. the same logo in the same location on each content pagec. a similar navigation area on each content paged. a different background color on each pageD is the answer
  • a. provide alternative text for the imagesb. place text links at the bottom of the pagec. both a and b d. no special considerations are neededC is the answer
  • a. the amount of color used on the siteb. the font size and styles used on the sitec. the overall look and feel for the sited. all of the aboveD is the answer
The concept of _____________ relates to providing a single resource that is configured for optimal display on multiple types of devices.
  • wireframe
  • One Web
  • contrast
  • responsive web design
Progressively enhancing a web page for different viewing contexts (such as smartphones and tablets) through the use of coding techniques is called _________________________.
  • wireframe
  • in different ways
  • One Web
  • responsive web design
Select a good design recommendation for text hyperlinks.
  • use a key phrase as a hyperlink
  • use frames whenever possible
  • hierarchical, linear, and random
  • empty screen area around blocks of text and images
Which of the following is not a web design recommended practice?
  • use frames whenever possible
  • hierarchical
  • use a key phrase as a hyperlink
  • hierarchical, linear, and random
When applying the design principle of __________ related items are grouped together.
  • monochromatic
  • contrast
  • proximity
  • triadic
Select the true statement below.
  • a. provide alternative text for the imagesb. place text links at the bottom of the pagec. both a and b d. no special considerations are neededC is the answer
  • a. the same fonts on each content pageb. the same logo in the same location on each content pagec. a similar navigation area on each content paged. a different background color on each pageD is the answer
  • a. the amount of color used on the siteb. the font size and styles used on the sitec. the overall look and feel for the sited. all of the aboveD is the answer
  • a. Animation should be used to appeal to all target audiencesb. Animation should be used only if it enhances your web sitec. Animation should be used as much as possible to make your web site exciting.d. None of the statements are trueB is the answer
The four principles of WCAG 2.0 are as follows:
  • visually grouped sections of hyperlinks
  • perceivable, operable, understandable, robust
  • hierarchical, linear, and random
  • empty screen area around blocks of text and images
Applying the design principle of __________ serves to add visual interest and draw attention
  • proximity
  • monochromatic
  • contrast
  • triadic
A _______________color scheme consists of three colors that are equidistant on the color wheel.
  • monochromatic
  • wireframe
  • triadic
  • shade
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