For the sentence below, find the correct coordinate adjectives that would best describe the noun. The band played a ____________ melody that kept the audience spellbound.
  • quick, step
  • beautiful, haunting
  • fast, piece
  • silent, questioning
For the sentence below, find the correct coordinate adjectives that would best describe the noun. I am happy to report that Grace’s baby is very ______ and ______!
  • happy and healthy
  • sickly and scrawny
  • tiny and small
  • born and growing
For the sentence below, find the correct coordinate adjectives that would best describe the noun. My father loves to drive on _____________ roads in the mountains.
  • slippery, terrain
  • winter, crooked
  • hidden, open
  • narrow, windy
For the sentence below, find the correct coordinate adjectives that would best describe the noun. His algebra test was both ______ and ______.
  • hard and long
  • confusing and simple
  • white and black
  • math and economics
For the sentence below, find the correct coordinate adjectives that would best describe the noun. Every dress she found in the old trunk was ______ and _____.
  • grimy and happy
  • friction and elastic
  • stained and tattered
  • borrowed and broken
For the sentence below, find the correct coordinate adjectives that would best describe the noun. The riverbed was _______ and ______, making it hard to balance well.
  • fishy and frogs
  • shallow and deep
  • moist and wet
  • rocky and slippery
For the sentence below, find the correct coordinate adjectives that would best describe the noun. The __________ cellar was alive with roaches.
  • bottom, house
  • dark, musty
  • under, ground
  • empty, black
For the sentence below, find the correct coordinate adjectives that would best describe the noun. The winters in the north can be very ______ and _____.
  • cold and snowy
  • warm and freezing
  • long and northern
  • subtle and treacherous
For the sentence below, find the correct coordinate adjectives that would best describe the noun. The smell of the ____________ buns was heavenly.
  • grape, fruit
  • happy, funny
  • hot, sticky
  • wicked and crazy
For the sentence below, find the correct coordinate adjectives that would best describe the noun. It was a _________ summer but we all made it through!
  • quiet, packed
  • sunny, cloudy
  • long, hot
  • last, present
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