Find the correct answer for the following phrase. The singing of several performers.
  • The performers singing
  • The performer's singing
  • The performers' singing
  • The performers singing'
Find the correct answer for the following phrase. The handles of several doors.
  • The door's handles
  • The doors' handles
  • The doors handle's
  • The doors handles'
Find the correct answer for the following phrase. Chocolate belonging to several girls.
  • The girls chocolate
  • The girl's chocolate
  • The girls' chocolate
  • The girls chocolate'
Find the correct answer for the following phrase. The keys of several cars.
  • The car's keys
  • The cars' keys
  • The cars key's
  • The cars keys'
Find the correct answer for the following phrase. Books belonging to several teachers.
  • The teachers books
  • The teacher's books
  • The teachers' books
  • The teachers book's
Find the correct answer for the following phrase. Letters belonging to several parents.
  • The parents letters
  • The parent's letters
  • The parents' letters
  • The parents letter's
Find the correct answer for the following phrase. Pens belonging to several writers.
  • The writer's pens
  • The writers' pens
  • The writers pen's
  • The writers pens'
Find the correct answer for the following phrase. The keyboards of several computers.
  • The computer's keyboards
  • The computers' keyboards
  • The computers keyboard's
  • The computers keyboards'
Find the correct answer for the following phrase. The roots of several trees.
  • The tree's roots
  • The trees' roots
  • The trees root's
  • The trees roots'
Find the correct answer for the following phrase. Corners belonging to several tables.
  • The table's corners
  • The tables' corners
  • The tables corner's
  • The tables corners'
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