You are working in a group. A friend says, "Taylor was very nice in the story." You want to say something about this. What should you say?
  • I want to hike.
  • I liked Pete in the story.
  • I didn't like Taylor.
  • Taylor helped others.
You are working in a group. A friend says, "We should color the house blue." You want to say something about this. What should you say?
  • I want to color the grass.
  • The house would look nice blue.
  • The trees should be purple.
  • Blue is an ugly color.
You are working in a group. A friend says, "I want to be the leader." You want to say something about this. What should you say?
  • You should not be the leader.
  • I want to be the leader too.
  • Let's give Paul a turn.
  • I want to paint the trees.
You are working in a group. A friend says, "I think the book was good." You want to say something about this. What should you say?
  • I didn't like the book.
  • The book is bad.
  • I liked the first part.
  • No one likes the book.
You are working in a group. A friend says, "The story is too long." You want to say something about this. What should you say?
  • I like horses.
  • Let's read another story.
  • I hated the story.
  • The story was a good long story.
You are working in a group. A friend says, "We should glue the paper down first." You want to say something about this. What should you say?
  • I don't want to glue.
  • Do not use a lot of glue.
  • That sounds right.
  • I want to glue.
You are working in a group. A friend says, "The sun helps grass to grow." You want to say something about this. What should you say?
  • A horse runs in the grass.
  • I want to color the sun yellow.
  • The sun helps plants to grow too.
  • People grow.
You are working in a group. A friend says, "I like to eat pizza." You want to say something about this. What should you say?
  • Only my mom likes pizza.
  • I really like hamburgers.
  • I like bacon on my pizza.
  • I hope we don't have pizza for lunch.
You are working in a group. A friend says, "A house is a noun." You want to say something about this. What should you say?
  • A noun is a person, place or thing.
  • What is a verb?
  • I don't like nouns.
  • I want to draw a house.
You are working in a group. A friend says, "I like to swim in a pool." You want to say something about this. What should you say?
  • I only swim in the lake.
  • I hate to swim in pools.
  • My sister has a pool.
  • I don't like to swim.
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