The teacher says the sentence below. What question could you ask? “Horses usually don’t lay down.”
  • Why do farmers put their horses in a barn?
  • Why are barns red?
  • Do horses sleep standing up?
  • How big are horses?
The teacher says the sentence below. What question could you ask? “The planet Mars is red in color.”
  • What color is Earth?
  • What makes Mars red?
  • Which planet is the coldest?
  • Where is Venus?
The teacher says the sentence below. What question could you ask? “Your left lung is small.”
  • Why is it so small?
  • Are mice small?
  • Do you breathe with your heart?
  • How much do you weigh?
The teacher says the sentence below. What question could you ask? “People will put sugar on a cut.”
  • How does sugar taste?
  • What is sugar made of?
  • Can you eat plain sugar?
  • Why would you do that?
The teacher says the sentence below. What question could you ask? “Seeds usually grow inside most fruits.”
  • Do you scrape out the seeds of a pumpkin?
  • What fruit has seeds on the outside?
  • How do you cut an apple?
  • How deep in the dirt do you plant seeds?
The teacher says the sentence below. What question could you ask? “Some animals can fly backwards.”
  • Which animals can fly backwards?
  • Do most birds fly fast?
  • What happens when a fly lands on your arm?
  • Can humans walk backwards?
The teacher says the sentence below. What question could you ask? “There are many different plants in the ocean.”
  • Is a tree a plant?
  • Are there more plants in the ocean than on land?
  • How big is the ocean?
  • How do you plant a tree?
The teacher says the sentence below. What question could you ask? “There are 43 frown muscles in your face.”
  • Do you frown a lot?
  • Are there less smiling muscles in your face?
  • When you frown, are you mad?
  • How many bones are in the body?
The teacher says the sentence below. What question could you ask? “Camels have three eyelids.”
  • Can you ride a camel?
  • Do camels store water?
  • What do these eyelids do?
  • What do you do if you get dirt in your eye?
The teacher says the sentence below. What question could you ask? “Sharks move all the time.”
  • Are sharks dangerous?
  • What kinds of sharks are there?
  • Do sharks move when they sleep?
  • Do sharks have sharp teeth?
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