Read the story - Needs. What question could you ask about this text for more information?
  • What foods are bad for you?
  • What problems will you have if you don’t drink water?
  • How many minutes are there in a week?
  • How much water is in a gallon?
Read the story - Needs. How does your body lose water?
  • By sweat.
  • Through its fingers.
  • By yelling.
  • Through its heart.
Read the story - Needs. What question could you ask about this text for more information?
  • How much water is in a piece of fruit?
  • Why can you live longer without food than water?
  • What food is healthy for you?
  • Which oceans have salt water?
Read the story - Needs. What question could you ask about this text for more information?
  • What food tastes the best?
  • What problems will you have if you do not eat food in a month?
  • Where are all of your taste buds?
  • How much food do you eat in one year?
Read the story - Needs. What type of people can live longer without water?
  • Unhealthy people.
  • Older people.
  • Healthy people.
  • People with pets.
Read the story - Needs. What do you need most?
  • Water.
  • Food.
  • Clothes.
  • Ice.
Read the story - Needs. When will you feel thirsty?
  • After losing 10% of your water.
  • After losing ½ of your water.
  • After losing 25% of your water.
  • After losing 1% of your water.
Read the story - Needs. What question could you ask about this text for more information?
  • What could you do to get water if there is no water around?
  • Do deserts have water?
  • How much water do camels store in the humps in their bodies?
  • Does water seep into your skin when it rains?
Listen or read the text below. Many families own a car. A car helps to get you to another place. A car may be blue, green, black, white or other colors. You want to know more about cars. What could you ask to know more?
  • Do you ride the bus?
  • What do you drive?
  • When did you get your bike?
  • How far can you walk?
Read the story - Needs. What do you need to live?
  • Drinks and healthy food.
  • Water and food.
  • Unhealthy food and drinks.
  • Water and ice cream.
Read the story - Needs. What question could you ask about this text for more information?
  • How much water is there on Earth?
  • Is there water in the air?
  • What is blood made of?
  • How many gallons of water is 10% of the water in your body?
Listen or read the text below. Farmers have animals. Some animals lay eggs. Others give milk. Which question helps you learn more about eggs?
  • Do you live on a farm?
  • Do you like to eat eggs?
  • What animals live on a farm?
  • What animal lays eggs?
Listen or read the text below. Girls like dolls. They are pretty. You can put clothes on a doll. You can brush her hair. What could you ask to know more?
  • Which dress is pretty?
  • What are dolls made of?
  • What clothes do you wear?
  • How many toys do you have?
Listen or read the text below. Trains travel across land. They travel on tracks. They may have many cars. Which question helps you learn more about trains?
  • Did you go on a trip this year?
  • How fast do trains go?
  • Have you been to New York?
  • How fast do buses go?
Listen or read the text below. Bears live in the woods. Bears are always hungry. A bear may come to your camp. Which question helps you learn more about bears?
  • How can you be safe from a bear?
  • Why do you like teddy bears?
  • What animals are in a zoo?
  • What is a picnic?
Listen or read the text below. Cakes taste sweet. They have lots of sugar in them. Some cakes have fruit in them. Cakes are not good for you. You want to know more about cakes. What could you ask to know more?
  • What fruit is green?
  • Is sugar bad for you?
  • Do cakes have fruit in them?
  • How do you make a cake?
Listen or read the text below. Chairs have many uses. People may sit on chairs at a table. Other people may use chairs to stand on. You want to know more about chairs. What could you ask to know more?
  • What store can you buy a chair from?
  • Do you have a sofa?
  • Can you sit on the floor?
  • What is a table made of?
Listen or read the text below. Planes fly in the sky. They fly above the clouds. A plane has wings. It flies high. You want to know more about planes. What could you ask to know more?
  • Why do you go to the bus stop?
  • Do birds fly in the sky?
  • When do you leave for your trip?
  • How do you fly a plane?
Listen or read the text below. Some soup is made of water or milk. Soup is wet. It may have meat or vegetables in it. Which question helps you learn more about soup?
  • Do you like to eat green beans?
  • Where do you cook soup?
  • Why is the dinner cold?
  • When do you eat lunch?
Listen or read the text below. Milk is white. It tastes good. You must keep milk cold. You can put milk on cereal. Which question helps you learn more about milk?
  • What do you put cream in?
  • Where does milk come from?
  • Can you cook with cream?
  • Is ice cold?
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