Read the story above - Black Holes. Which question can be answered from the text?
  • How are black holes made?
  • How many people have died from a black hole?
  • What things get trapped in black holes?
  • Why do black holes have so much gravity?
Read the story above - Black Holes. What do black holes look like?
  • Square.
  • Round.
  • Bright.
  • Triangular.
Read the story above - Black Holes. How are black holes similar to quicksand?
  • They both trap things in them.
  • They both are made of the same thing.
  • They both are the same color.
  • They both are in the same place.
Read the story above - Black Holes. Are astronauts safe around black holes?
  • Yes, because astronauts can't be pulled into a black hole.
  • Yes, because black holes are not dangerous.
  • No, because the black hole causes astronauts not to breathe.
  • No, because astronauts can get sucked into a black hole.
Read the story above - Black Holes. What causes black holes to be able to pull things into them?
  • Gravity.
  • Stars.
  • Dust.
  • Outer space.
Read the story above - Black Holes. How does a black hole get destroyed?
  • An astronaut can shoot at them.
  • An explosion from the universe.
  • An explosion from a bomb.
  • An astronaut stopping the gravity inside the black hole.
Read the story above - Black Holes. What do most items have but black holes do not have?
  • Round shape.
  • Gravity.
  • Outside layer.
  • Dust and stars in them.
Read the story above - Black Holes. How big are the biggest black holes?
  • Ten times bigger than the sun.
  • Slightly bigger than the sun.
  • As big as the sun.
  • Slightly smaller than the sun.
Read the story above - Black Holes. Which question can be answered from the text?
  • How long does it take to destroy a black hole?
  • What would happen to an astronaut if he got trapped in a black hole?
  • Why does it take an explosion to destroy a black hole?
  • How many black holes are there in the universe?
Read the story above - Black Holes. Which question can be answered from the text?
  • Who has touched a black hole?
  • Where is the closest black hole to Earth?
  • When was the first black hole discovered?
  • How many small black holes are there?
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