Grizzly bears and polar bears are two different types of bears. They both eat meat. They may kill other animals to eat them. They also sleep for a long time. However, grizzly bears live in the mountains and polar bears live in cold places. Polar bears are also white and grizzly bears are usually brown. What type of connection is in the above text?
  • Cause/Effect.
  • Description.
  • Comparison.
  • Sequence.
Mowing the lawn can help young people make money. Young people can also babysit for the local children. They can make money that way. After someone makes money, they can buy clothes and other things they want or need. They could also save the money in their bank. What type of connection is in the above text?
  • Cause/Effect.
  • Sequence.
  • Comparison.
  • Description.
Frogs and toads are very similar. They hop and live in or near ponds. They also both eat bugs. Frogs have smooth wet skin. Toads have dry skin. What type of connection is in the above text?
  • Cause/Effect.
  • Comparison.
  • Description.
  • Sequence.
It is easy to make a sandwich. First, get two slices of bread. Second, spread mayo or mustard on each slice. Third, lay meat on the bread. Last, put the sandwich together and eat it. What type of connection is in the above text?
  • Cause/Effect.
  • Description.
  • Sequence.
  • Comparison.
Children get hurt sometimes. They may run fast and trip and fall. They could also cut their hand with a knife. Sometimes, children will get hit by another child. After one of these things happen, children get a band-aid put on their skin. Other times, a child may need to go to the hospital. What type of connection is in the above text?
  • Cause/Effect.
  • Description.
  • Sequence.
  • Comparison.
Horses are animals. Just like people, horses can get scared. Sometimes, a loud sound will scare a horse. An animal might hurt the horse like a snake. When the horse gets scared, it may run fast. It may also make noises or raise up on its back legs. What type of connection is in the above text?
  • Comparison.
  • Description.
  • Sequence.
  • Cause/Effect.
Which of these connectives should be used in a set of instructions?
  • Yet, for, because, otherwise.
  • On the other hand, because, so, secondly.
  • Therefore, next, however, although.
  • First, next, then, finally.
People need to wash their cars. First, they get a bucket of water. Second, they pour soap in the bucket. Third, they take a rag and put it into the bucket. Last, they wash the car. What type of connection is in the above text?
  • Comparison.
  • Sequence.
  • Description.
  • Cause/Effect.
Which of the following set of instructions is in the correct order?
  • Turn on the tap, soap your hands, rinse your hands, turn off the tap, dry your hands.
  • Rinse your hands, turn on the tap, turn off the tap, soap your hands, dry your hands.
  • Soap your hands, turn off the tap, dry your hands, turn on the tap, rinse your hands.
  • Dry your hands, turn on the tap, soap your hands, rinse your hands, turn off the tap.
Many types of writing use instructions. Which of these does NOT use instructions?
  • List of safety rules.
  • Craft how-to guide.
  • Letters page in a newspaper.
  • Board games.
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