Which of these sentences is written in the first person narrative?
  • I went to the park but on the way there I saw an elephant.
  • She went to the park but on the way there she saw an elephant.
  • He went to the park but on the way there he saw an elephant.
  • They went to the park but on the way there they saw an elephant.
These dogs may attack me. I should stay away from them. What would be the point of view for the sentences above and picture below for most people?
  • The puppies will most likely hurt you.
  • It is hard to tell if the puppies would hurt you.
  • You would need to know what kind of dogs they are. Then you would know if they could hurt you.
  • The puppies are safe to pet.
Which sentence is written in first person?
  • He walked up to the scary house and opened the door.
  • She walked up to the scary house and opened the door.
  • They walked up to the scary house and opened the door.
  • I walked up to the scary house and opened the door.
Which answer is written in first person?
  • I got on the bike and turned the handle to start the engine. She lifted her feet up and the bike crept forward.
  • I got on the bike and turned the handle to start the engine. I lifted my feet up and the bike crept forward.
  • She got on the bike and turned the handle to start the engine. She lifted her feet up and the bike crept forward.
  • He got on the bike and turned the handle to start the engine. He lifted his feet up and the bike crept forward.
Candy is bad for my teeth. I should never eat it. What would be the point of view for the sentences above for a 5-year-old?
  • The 5-year-old would agree with the author.
  • The 5-year-old would not agree with the author.
  • The 5-year-old would not understand what candy is.
  • The 5-year-old would not have an opinion.
Which answer is written in first person?
  • The rocket landed and I unbuckled my seatbelt. Her foot touched the rocky ground as I realized I'd landed on a different planet.
  • The rocket landed and I unbuckled my seatbelt. My foot touched the rocky ground as he realized I'd landed on a different planet.
  • The rocket landed and I unbuckled my seatbelt. My foot touched the rocky ground as I realized I'd landed on a different planet.
  • The rocket landed and I unbuckled my seatbelt. My foot touched the rocky ground as I realized he'd landed on a different planet.
Which sentence is written in first person?
  • I had such fun at the party!
  • He had such fun at the party!
  • She had such fun at the party!
  • They had such fun at the party!
Which answer is written in first person?
  • The bridge wobbled as I walked across it, making her feel sick.
  • The bridge wobbled as I walked across it, making him feel sick.
  • The bridge wobbled as he walked across it, making me feel sick.
  • The bridge wobbled as I walked across it, making me feel sick.
Which answer is written in first person?
  • I looked at the horse and was worried he was sick. I decided to call the vet, just in case.
  • She looked at the horse and was worried he was sick. She decided to call the vet, just in case.
  • He looked at the horse and was worried he was sick. I decided to call the vet, just in case.
  • She looked at the horse and was worried he was sick. I decided to call the vet, just in case.
My car should not cross this bridge. What would be the point of view for the sentences above and picture below for most people?
  • People would disagree with the author.
  • People would agree with the author.
  • It is hard to tell if someone should agree or disagree with the author.
  • Several people may be able to cross this bridge.
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