You are giving a presentation. You have a picture of a castle in Europe to enhance your presentation. Which topic are you probably giving?
  • Weather and clouds.
  • My trip to a German castle.
  • History of Antarctica.
  • How to build a castle.
You are giving a presentation. You have a picture of skyscrapers to enhance your presentation. Which topic are you probably giving?
  • Cell phones.
  • Rivers of the world.
  • Activities to do.
  • Tallest buildings in the world.
How fast should you speak when reading a poem or story aloud?
  • At a normal pace.
  • At a fast pace.
  • At a slow pace.
  • As fast or slow as you want to.
You are giving a presentation. You have a map of the USA with the names of states on it to enhance your presentation. Which topic are you probably giving?
  • Crops grown in the states.
  • Climate of the states.
  • Location of states.
  • Capitals of the states.
You are reading a story aloud to your classmates. When should you pause?
  • After each word.
  • Halfway through the story.
  • At the end of the story.
  • After each paragraph.
You are recording a story that you wrote. The story is about a girl who goes into a haunted house. How should you be speaking?
  • Scarily.
  • Joyfully.
  • Strongly.
  • Sadly.
You are giving a presentation. You are using a picture of two tiger cubs mock-fighting to enhance your presentation. What is the most likely title of your topic?
  • How do tigers play?
  • What do tigers eat?
  • How are tigers and lions similar?
  • Where do tigers live?
You are recording a story that you wrote. The story is about a boy who loses his dog. How should you be speaking?
  • Happily.
  • Loudly.
  • Calmly.
  • Sadly.
You are giving a presentation. You have a picture of cake ingredients to enhance your presentation. Which topic are you probably giving?
  • Why do people make cakes?
  • What cake is the best?
  • How do you bake a cake?
  • What is needed to bake a cake?
You are reading a poem aloud to your classmates. When should you stop to take a breath?
  • After each paragraph.
  • After each line.
  • At the end of the poem.
  • After each word.
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