You are asked the question below. How should you answer it appropriately? How old must you be to drive a car?
  • You must be 16 years old to drive a car.
  • 16 years old is the age for this question.
  • It could be 16 years old for driving a car.
  • Cars are driven by people of different ages.
You are asked the question below. How should you answer it appropriately? What sense do dogs use the most?
  • Smell.
  • The answer to this question is smell.
  • It is smelling.
  • Dogs use their sense of smell the most.
You are asked the question below. How should you answer it appropriately? When do most stores open?
  • Wal-mart is open all day and night.
  • Stores that I go to often open at different times.
  • Most stores open at 8 a.m.
  • It is 8 a.m.
You are asked the question below. How should you answer it appropriately? How does a computer's mouse work?
  • The computer's mouse moves using light.
  • A mouse is a small gray or brown animal.
  • A mouse moves around on my desk.
  • A mouse is used to make a computer work.
You are asked the question below. How should you answer it appropriately? What is the purpose of going to school?
  • Most students learn at school.
  • The purpose of school is to learn.
  • The answer to this question is to learn.
  • School is important so kids can learn.
You are asked the question below. How should you answer it appropriately? What kind of dog barks the loudest?
  • Golden retrievers are usually very comforting dogs.
  • The dog that barks the loudest is a golden retriever.
  • Dogs bark loudly like the golden retriever.
  • The question should be answered with the golden retriever.
You are asked the question below. How should you answer it appropriately? When did the U.S. become free?
  • The U.S. became free in the 1700s.
  • The U.S. became free in 1776.
  • 1776 is the year for the answer to this question.
  • The U.S. became a free country.
You are asked the question below. How should you answer it appropriately? How many hours of sleep do most people need?
  • Most people need eight hours of sleep.
  • Eight hours
  • Everyone needs sleep.
  • The answer is eight hours.
You are asked the question below. How should you answer it appropriately? What do birds usually eat?
  • It is worms.
  • Birds eat different things.
  • Worms is what these animals eat.
  • Birds usually eat worms.
You are asked the question below. How should you answer it appropriately? Why do people eat fast food?
  • Fast food places are usually cheap.
  • Fast food places are located near my house.
  • People eat fast food because it is easy and cheap.
  • The answer that is correct is that they are cheap.
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