Why is it important to stay on topic during a group discussion?
  • Because there is not a lot of class time.
  • Because no one wants to listen to any other topic.
  • Because more ideas about the topic will be shared.
  • Because the teacher would be happy.
How should group members speak during a discussion?
  • Two at a time.
  • One at a time.
  • Everyone at the same time.
  • Half the group at the same time.
You are about to say something in a group discussion about why you like your dog. However, the topic is about taking care of cats. What should you say?
  • Information you know about cats.
  • Your story about your dog.
  • That you don't know anything about cats.
  • Why you like your pet dog.
Why are rules important for a group discussion?
  • Because people will be able to communicate effectively.
  • Because more people could be part of the group.
  • Because students will make better grades.
  • Because the group members will become friends.
It is the beginning of a group discussion. Your group wants to set up rules during a discussion. How should this be done?
  • Half of the group should come up with the rules.
  • The teacher should set the rules for the group.
  • The leader of the group should set the rules for the group.
  • Set rules that everyone in the group agrees with.
How should a member of the group get the attention of the group so he or she can say something?
  • Start speaking.
  • Raise their hand.
  • Make a noise.
  • Speak to the person next to them.
In what way should a member of the group get the attention to speak?
  • In a quiet way.
  • In a loud way.
  • In a quick way.
  • In a kind way.
A member of the group has gotten the attention of the group. She is about to speak. How should everyone act?
  • Listen and think about what she is saying.
  • Listen to the important parts of what she is saying.
  • Talk quietly to the person next to them.
  • Listen and judge whether she is saying something that is right.
Why is it important to listen attentively to a group member speaking?
  • Your teacher will be happy with you.
  • It is the right thing to do.
  • You can consider all ideas.
  • So everyone has a turn.
A student starts to talk about another topic in a group discussion. What should happen?
  • No one should let that person speak again during this discussion.
  • The next person should continue speaking about the new topic.
  • The next person should speak about the assigned topic.
  • Only one person should be speaking from now on.
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