Which story starter includes descriptions of the main character?
  • The main character is Beth.
  • Snow fell all around the short blonde-haired girl named Beth.
  • Beth walked in the snow down the street.
  • Beth looked right and left and walked quickly across the snow-covered street.
Which sentence would describe the main character's thoughts and feelings?
  • Beth shivered due to the cold and fear because she wished she was already home.
  • Beth was very cold. She shivered while the snow continued to fall.
  • Beth is nice and she walks to her house in this cold snow.
  • Snow continued to fall which completely covered the area around Beth.
Which sentence shows the best description of the action?
  • Beth hears someone who is walking behind her.
  • A bad man walked fast behind Beth which caused Beth to become scared.
  • Someone was walking behind Beth and Beth was walking slowly.
  • Footsteps crunched in the snow behind Beth and they were getting faster and faster.
What dialogue should be included?
  • "Will I get to go to the movies tomorrow?" Beth asks her mother.
  • "Who is there?" Beth asks in a shivering voice.
  • The old man continued to crunch in the snow.
  • Beth couldn't see the man behind her because the snow was falling so fast.
What is the best description of the next event in the story?
  • Beth walks happily through the snow because Beth likes the snow.
  • Beth asks, "Are you walking me home?"
  • Beth listens a lot so she can hear something.
  • Beth listens as her ears strain to hear any sound.
What is the best description of the next event in the story?
  • The man walks closer to Beth in the snow.
  • Beth knows the man is coming closer.
  • A dark shadow of a man is on the ground close to Beth.
  • Beth is angry that the man is so close to her.
What is the best reaction for Beth?
  • Beth turns around to see if she can see the man.
  • Beth quickly whirls around as her feet slip a little in the snow.
  • Beth looks behind her so she can see the man.
  • What is behind Beth?
What is the best description of the next event?
  • Beth comes face to face with her older smiling brother.
  • Beth sees her brother.
  • Beth's brother is standing before her.
  • Beth's brother is named Tim.
What dialogue could be included here?
  • Beth slaps her brother across the face for trying to scare her.
  • "How are you doing today?" Beth asks her older brother.
  • "What are you doing here?" Beth asks with a sigh of relief.
  • Beth asks her brother a question.
What dialogue could be included here?
  • "I am just making sure you get home safely," Beth's brother says.
  • "Are you going to the movies?" Beth asks.
  • Beth and Tim walk home together in the freezing snow.
  • The snow starts to lessen as the time goes on.
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