Read the writing prompt below. Prompt: Your mom gives you two choices to paint your bedroom. Which color is better: red or gold? How do you plan on organizing your reasons for the prompt above?
  • Compare and contrast.
  • Sequence.
  • Problem and solution.
  • Cause and effect.
Read the writing prompt below. Prompt: Should students have to drink milk at lunch? Which sentence below states the student's opinion about the prompt?
  • Soda tastes better than milk.
  • School lunches taste poorly and should be better.
  • Milk should be the only drink served at lunch.
  • Milk is white and is good for you.
Read the writing prompt below. Prompt: Which animal would make the worst pet? Which sentence below states the student's opinion about the prompt?
  • Sharks make the worst pets.
  • Sharks are fish and not mammals.
  • Sharks have several rows of sharp teeth.
  • I like sharks the best.
Read the writing prompt below. Prompt: Which do you think is the better day of the week: Friday or Saturday? How do you plan on organizing your reasons for the prompt above?
  • Compare and contrast.
  • Sequence.
  • Problem and solution.
  • Cause and effect.
Read the writing prompt. Prompt: Do kids watch too much television? Which answer below introduces the topic the best?
  • I think kids watch too much television.
  • Did you know kids watch many hours of television a week?
  • Kids should stop watching television because they could be doing better things.
  • Televisions were invented in 1927.
Read the writing prompt below. Prompt: What is the easiest chore to do at home? Which sentence below states the student's opinion about the prompt?
  • You only need a mop to mop the floor.
  • Cleaning the bathrooms is hard to do.
  • There are many chores that take a long time to do.
  • Mopping the floor is the easiest chore to do.
Read the writing prompt below. Prompt: Should students have to go to school on Saturday? Which answer below introduces the topic the best?
  • I do not think students should go to school on Saturday.
  • Saturday and Sunday are weekend days.
  • Students should only go to school on Saturday in order to make up a missed school day.
  • A girl has to wake up early on Saturday to go to school.
Read the writing prompt below. Prompt: What is the best sport? Which sentence below states the student's opinion about the prompt?
  • I have been playing soccer for 3 years.
  • Soccer is played in many different places.
  • Football is a more unsafe sport than basketball.
  • Soccer is the top sport.
Read the writing prompt below. Prompt: You love your birthday. Why do you think it should be celebrated every day? How do you plan on organizing your reasons for the prompt above?
  • Compare and contrast.
  • Sequence.
  • Problem and solution.
  • Description.
Read the writing prompt below. Prompt: You and a friend get angry at each other. How should you make up with your friend? How do you plan on organizing your reasons for the prompt above?
  • Sequence of steps in making up with the friend.
  • Compare and contrast making up with a friend and making up with a sister.
  • Describe how making up with a friend is hard to do.
  • Explain the solution to making up with a friend.
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