What is the best way to publish your writing?
  • Where your best friends can see it.
  • Where many people can see it.
  • In print.
  • In a book.
How does technology help students publish their work?
  • It displays images and colorful pictures.
  • It can be graded by the teacher.
  • It provides ways for many people to see a student's writing at once.
  • It will be easier to read because the text is on a screen.
What is a technology tool students can use to publish their work?
  • A print source.
  • Powerpoint.
  • An email.
  • A blog.
In what way do Word documents help students produce their work?
  • Word documents allow hundreds of people to have access to students' writings.
  • Students can comment on each other's work if they use a Word document.
  • Word documents will publish the students' work.
  • They can type their writings into Word documents.
Your teacher asks you to read three or four students' writings for homework. What is the easiest way to do that?
  • Read their blogs.
  • Go to their houses.
  • Have the students publish their work in a book.
  • Email their work to each other.
What is a publishing tool used frequently by students?
  • Microsoft Word.
  • Wikis.
  • Yahoo!
  • Google.
How can students easily interact with each other online?
  • By watching a video online.
  • By having friends come over to one student's house.
  • By commenting on their classmates' published writing on the computer.
  • By getting into a group with them at school.
Why is it important for students to collaborate on their writing?
  • So they can get the assignment done sooner.
  • So they learn to speak to each other.
  • So they get more ideas from their classmates.
  • So they can divide the work evenly.
Which producing and publishing tool is found online?
  • Magazine.
  • Microsoft Word.
  • Powerpoint.
  • Prezi.
For your homework, your teacher asks you to interact with other students about their writing. How can you do that at home?
  • You can make comments about a student's writing on the Internet.
  • You can read their writing in a published book.
  • You can get their writing by asking students for it.
  • You can read their writing on the classroom wall.
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