What is the meaning of the simile in the sentence below? My pencil was as sharp as a tack after I sharpened it.
  • The pencil was dull.
  • The pencil was very sharp.
  • The pencil needed sharpening.
  • The pencil was about to break.
What is the meaning of the simile in the sentence below? Since I began swimming at a young age, I can now swim like a shark.
  • I have been swimming for a long time.
  • I hate to swim.
  • I will swim for a long time.
  • I am a good swimmer.
What is the meaning of the simile in the sentence below? David was as sick as a dog, so he came home from school.
  • David wants to be sick.
  • David looks like a dog.
  • David is very sick.
  • David came home from school.
What is the meaning of the metaphor in the sentence below? The young man had a heart of gold when he helped the old woman cross the street in the rain.
  • The young man has a heart problem.
  • The young man is carrying gold in his pocket.
  • The young man is kind and nice.
  • The young man has a piece of gold that is shaped like a heart.
Which of the following is a metaphor?
  • The ship plowed through the waves.
  • Suddenly, the dancer wobbled like a top.
  • The kitten cried like a baby.
  • The moon shone as bright as the sun.
Complete this metaphor: With its locked doors and tiny window, the dark, cold room was a ____.
  • prison.
  • library.
  • classroom.
  • palace.
Complete this metaphor: She showed no sympathy or feelings for others, her heart was a ____.
  • night star.
  • golden locket.
  • stone.
  • lively spring.
What is the meaning of the metaphor in the sentence below? When the boy saw the car accident, his legs were Jello.
  • The boy’s legs were weak.
  • The boy had Jello stuck to his legs.
  • The boy loved to eat Jello.
  • The boy’s legs had a lot of fat on them.
What is the meaning of the metaphor in the sentence below? The sea was a shining diamond.
  • The sea cost a lot of money.
  • The sea was not the color blue.
  • The sea sparkled.
  • The sea had diamonds in it.
What is the meaning of the metaphor in the sentence below? The white blanket of snow could be seen from my window.
  • The snow is very white.
  • The snow is nearby.
  • The snow is slippery.
  • The snow covers a lot of the land.
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