Choose the best explanation for the simile. His shoes fit like a glove.
  • He wears gloves on his feet
  • His gloves fit very well
  • His shoes fit very well
  • He wears shoes on his hands
Choose the best explanation for the simile. Sheila is as snug as a bug in a rug in her new house.
  • Sheila feels cramped in her new house
  • Sheila is warm and comfortable in her new house
  • Sheila lives in a rug
  • Sheila has a lot of bugs in her rugs
Choose the best explanation for the simile. She's as blind as a bat.
  • She can't see very well
  • She thinks she's a bat
  • She uses echolocation to see
  • She has perfect vision
Choose the best explanation for the simile. Dave is as mad as a hornet.
  • Dave is a little mad in the head
  • Dave is very mad in the head
  • Dave is not very angry
  • Dave is very angry
Choose the best explanation for the simile. Peter is as quiet as a church mouse.
  • Peter makes a scratching noise
  • Peter lives a quiet life in a church
  • Peter goes to church quietly
  • Peter is very quiet
What is the meaning of the metaphor in the sentence? After the classroom had a substitute in it for weeks, the classroom was a zoo.
  • The kids in the classroom are acting wild
  • There are a few animals in the classroom
  • The kids are going to take a field trip to the zoo
  • The classroom is very quiet
Choose the best explanation for the simile. Mike eats like a pig.
  • Mike eats a lot, or he eats noisily and unpleasantly
  • Mike lives on a farm
  • Mike eats out of a pig trough
  • Mike eats nicely
What is the meaning of the metaphor in the sentence? The student was a shining star and won many school awards.
  • The student put a star on the board
  • The student is the best in the class
  • The student is very shiny
  • The student has a star on his shirt
What is the meaning of the metaphor in the sentence? Since it snowed for four days in a row, my house became a prison for me.
  • The house is near a prison
  • There are a lot of people in the house
  • There are bars on the windows of his or her house
  • The person has stayed for a long time in his or her house
Choose the best explanation for the simile. The teacher's explanation was as clear as mud.
  • The teacher's explanation was very clear
  • The teacher's explanation was not at all clear
  • The teacher's explanation was quite clear
  • The teacher's explanation was covered in mud
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