Use the dictionary to answer the question below. How do you pronounce witty?
  • A long “i” sound and the “y” has a long “e” sound.
  • A short “i” sound and the “y” has a long “e” sound.
  • A long “i” sound and the “y” has a short “e” sound.
  • A short “i” sound and the “y” has a short “e” sound.
Use the glossary to answer the question below. What is the rock cycle?
  • The immediate condition of temperature, precipitation, wind, etc.
  • The remainder of a thing in the Earth from a much earlier time.
  • A process where rocks change and then become other rocks.
  • When rock erodes due to natural occurrences.
Use the thesaurus to answer the question below. What word means to produce or construct something?
  • Know
  • Many
  • Make
  • Write
Use the dictionary to answer the question below. Which word from the dictionary means a stream of air that feels colder than it really is?
  • Withdraw
  • Window
  • Windy
  • Windchill
Use the dictionary to answer the question below. Which word from the dictionary means an animal that does not live in captivity?
  • Wolf
  • Wish
  • Wildlife
  • Wonder
Use the thesaurus to answer the question below. What word means something that is tall or deep?
  • Know
  • Like
  • Write
  • Long
Use the thesaurus to answer the question below. What word means lots or countless?
  • Write
  • Know
  • Sound
  • Many
Use the dictionary to answer the question below. How do you pronounce wise?
  • A short "i" sound and the "s" has a "z" sound.
  • A long "i" sound and the "s" has a "z" sound.
  • A long "i" sound and the "s" has a "sh" sound.
  • A short "i" sound and the "s" has a "sh" sound.
Use the glossary to answer the question below. Which word is the round part inside the middle of the Earth?
  • Weathering
  • Core
  • Fossil
  • Crust
Use the glossary to answer the question below. What is the difference between weather and climate?
  • Climate has to do with a region and weather is for one small place.
  • Weather has to do with a region and climate is for one small place.
  • Climate is about temperature and weather is about wind.
  • Climate is about wind and weather is about temperature.
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