Read the poem – Weather above. What does the word “wrath” mean?
  • Anger
  • Warmth
  • Coldness
  • Tears
Read the poem – Weather above. What is the purpose of the poem?
  • To express feelings toward weather
  • To inform about different types of weather
  • To entertain with a story about weather
  • To persuade people to like weather
Read the poem – Weather above. What weather does the narrator like?
  • Sunny
  • Snowy
  • Rainy
  • It is hard to determine from the poem
Read the poem – Weather above. What does the following line mean? The ray points a finger at me.
  • The sun is shining away from the land
  • The sun’s ray looks like a finger
  • The sun is shining at the narrator
  • The sun has only one ray shining
Read the poem – Weather above. Why does the narrator “dodge the snowflakes”?
  • Because the narrator is playing a game
  • Because they are cold
  • Because the narrator wants the snowflakes to gather in a ball on the ground
  • Because that is where the narrator believes they should land
Read the poem – Weather above. How should the expression change in the reader’s voice as he or she reads the poem?
  • The reader will first read it in a confusing way and then in a normal way
  • The poem is all happy, so there will be no change
  • The reader will first read sadly and then happily
  • The reader will first read happily and then get sad or angry
Read the poem – Weather above. What does the following line mean? The clouds shoot the drops down.
  • Rain is coming down hard
  • The rain will stop soon
  • Rain is worse than snow
  • The narrator likes the rain
Read the poem – Weather above. What does each line have in common with the other lines in the stanza?
  • Each stanza is about a certain type of weather
  • Each stanza is about a different character
  • Each stanza is at about different setting
  • Each stanza is about a different action
Read the poem – Weather above. Why does the narrator agree with the sun?
  • He or she wants the sun to stop shining
  • He or she appreciates its warmth
  • He or she wants the sun not to shine so harshly
  • He or she believes the sun will stop shining tomorrow
Read the poem – Weather above. You are reading the poem aloud. When should you take a pause?
  • After each word
  • After each stanza
  • After each line
  • At the end of the poem
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