What does it mean if a text is written in chronological order?
  • It is written by describing an event or two and the result of what happened after it.
  • It is written by explaining the similarities and differences between two topics.
  • It is written in date order or the order in which the events happened.
  • It is written by identifying a conflict and then the way it is resolved.
What does it mean if a text is written with a comparison structure?
  • It is written by describing an event or two and the result of what happened after it.
  • It is written by explaining the similarities and differences between two topics.
  • It is written in date order or the order in which the events happened.
  • It is written by identifying a conflict and then the way it is resolved.
What does it mean if a text is written with a cause/effect structure?
  • It is written by describing an event or two and the result of what happened after it.
  • It is written by explaining the similarities and differences between two topics.
  • It is written in date order or the order in which the events happened.
  • It is written by identifying a conflict and then the way it was resolved.
What does it mean if a text is written with a problem/solution structure?
  • It is written by describing an event or two and the result of what happened after it.
  • It is written by explaining the similarities and differences between the two topics.
  • It is written in date order or the order in which the events happened.
  • It is written by identifying a conflict and then the way it is resolved.
Read Story 1 - Paleoindians above. What type of structure is the text written in?
  • Chronological order
  • Comparison
  • Cause/Effect
  • Problem/Solution
Read Story 1 - Paleoindians above. What line from the text helps reveal the text structure?
  • They were called hunter-gatherers because that is how they got their food.
  • Before they came to America, they had already hunted many of the animals and gathered many of the berries they could find.
  • The Paleoindians needed food now or they would starve to death.
  • The Paleoindians were the very first group of people who came to America.
Read Story 2 - Paleoindians above. What type of structure is the text written in?
  • Chronological order
  • Comparison
  • Cause/Effect
  • Problem/Solution
Read Story 2 - Paleoindians above. What is given in the text that is used in many texts using this type of structure?
  • Eventually
  • Over time
  • 14,000 BCE
  • Usually
Read Story 3 - Paleoindians above. What type of structure is the text written in?
  • Chronological order
  • Comparison
  • Cause/effect
  • Problem/solution
Read Story 3 - Paleoindians above. Which statement is true about Story 3?
  • Paleoindians would divide up jobs.
  • People in a civilization would divide up jobs.
  • Paleoindians settled in an area.
  • Both Paleoindians and all of those in a civilization hunted and gathered food.
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