Which sentence helped you answer question 1?
  • It was easy to do because I had worked for 10 hours today moving heavy boxes up three flight of stairs to my friend’s new apartment.
  • At 9 p.m., I crawled in bed and quickly went to sleep.
  • Then I had to travel half an hour back to my house.
  • I watched television for an hour and then decided to go to bed.
Read the story above - The Sound. Why is the narrator tired?
  • He worked a long time today.
  • He heard a noise.
  • He woke up at midnight.
  • He couldn’t get to sleep.
Read the story above - The Sound. When did the narrator first hear the sound?
  • At 11 p.m.
  • At midnight.
  • At 10 p.m.
  • At 9 p.m.
Which sentence helped you answer question 3?
  • At 9 p.m., I crawled in bed and quickly went to sleep.
  • I looked around my room to determine where the sound was coming from.
  • I woke up startled by the noise.
  • A whispering sound emerged about three hours since I went to bed.
Read the story above - The Sound. How does the narrator feel during most of the story?
  • Tired.
  • Excited.
  • Startled.
  • Fearful.
Which sentence helped you answer question 5?
  • Tiptoeing, I crept outside my bedroom and into the hallway.
  • I looked around my room to determine where the sound was coming from.
  • The whispering was slightly louder.
  • Then I moved toward the stairs and stepped down each step.
Which word(s) could definitely NOT be used in place of the italicized sentence openers if the meanings of the following sentences are to remain as much unchanged as possible? in the hay, the children had a wonderful time in the hay barn.
  • Playing
  • Sitting
  • Jumping around
  • Messing around
Which word(s) could definitely NOT be used in place of the italicized sentence openers if the meanings of the following sentences are to remain as much unchanged as possible? by the loss of her puppy, she posted a reward in the local newspaper.
  • Distraught
  • Troubled
  • Worried
  • Content
Read the story above - The Sound. What did the narrator probably think the sound might be?
  • The television.
  • His friend who he helped move.
  • A robber.
  • His dog.
Which sentence helped you answer question 9?
  • The whispering was slightly louder.
  • After listening for ten minutes, I decided to go investigate.
  • However, I knew I needed to find out who or what was uninvited to my house.
  • Realizing the sounds was coming from my family room, I entered the room and saw the television had been left on.
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