Read the above information about tissues. What comment can you make to start a discussion about tissues?
  • There was a time when there was no toilet paper.
  • I know how to spell the word tissue.
  • The first tissue was invented in 1924.
  • We keep our box of tissues on the counter.
Change the sentence below into a question. Susan has been to France twice.
  • Has Susan been to France twice.
  • Has Susan been to France twice?
  • Susan has been to France twice?
  • Has Susan to France been twice.
Change the sentence below into a question. He had seen all the films before.
  • He had seen all the films before?
  • Had he seen all the films before.
  • He seen had all the films before.
  • Had he seen all the films before?
Read the above information about tissues. If someone presented this information to you in a speech, what question could you ask?
  • Which handkerchief is the most popular?
  • Who are some famous actors and actresses?
  • How did people begin using tissues as they are used today?
  • How many tissues are in a box?
Read the above information about tissues. If someone presented this information to you in a speech, what question could you ask?
  • Who is Kimberly Clark named after?
  • What was the first tissue made of?
  • What is the cream that actors and actresses use?
  • When was Kimberly Clark founded?
Read the above information about tissues. What company invented the Kleenex tissue?
  • Actors.
  • Kimberly Clark.
  • Tissue.
  • Kleenex.
Read the above information about tissues. For what reason did the company invent tissues?
  • To wipe your nose.
  • In case you sneeze.
  • To wipe off make-up.
  • To dab your eyes.
Read the above information about tissues. What did people use before Kleenex tissues?
  • Handkerchiefs.
  • Other tissues.
  • Their sleeves.
  • Paper towels.
Read the above information about tissues. The comment below is made by a student. The tissue actually has 2-3 layers of it. What comment can you make to link to this comment?
  • I like to watch the ads about tissues.
  • I thought Japan invented the first tissue.
  • There are other brands of tissue than Kleenex.
  • Those layers are called plies.
Read the above information about tissues. The comment below is made by a student. People liked to use tissues because you could throw them away. What comment can you make to link to this comment?
  • Some tissues have lotion in them.
  • Tissues can come in different colors.
  • I don’t like the tissues with lotion in them.
  • People also like to use tissues as napkins.
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